Monthly Archives: February 2008

Half-Time Special: Act IV (LOLCAT: SOCPA)

[Note: If you do not know what LOLCAT is, click here to find out.] [Note: If you do not know what SOCPA is, click here to find out.] About a week ago, I submitted a big pile of forms applying … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement, The War on Stupid | 10 Comments

Half-Time Special: Act III (Nick and Elroy and a regrettable incident from their past)

You may recall Nick and Elroy appearing to defend Mr Secret Agent Man on an alternative and rather NSFW version of this Newsnight appearance. These chaps found their way out of a box during an attic-clearing process last year, and … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects, The Political Weblog Movement, Video | 2 Comments

Back the Bishop

With regards to the Christian religion, I keep myself a (mostly) respectful arm’s length from the fold. I think this position is best encapsulated in the relevant category on my website; it’s titled “Christ…” What you’ll find when you explore … Continue reading

Posted in Christ... | 2 Comments

Torture: Brown and the boy Miliband each need to grow a pair

David Miliband: “There’s absolutely no question about the UK Government’s commitments in respect of torture, which is illegal, and our definition of what torture is.” Liar. Liar. Pants on fire. Even if we take his statement as the position of … Continue reading

Posted in Gordon Brown, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | Comments Off on Torture: Brown and the boy Miliband each need to grow a pair

Some comments are more equal than others

Garry Smith encounters some difficulty when submitting a comment to the Sun website. The Mail website is just as bad, if not worse. One can only wonder how these jokers got the idea that comment manipulation and censorship was in … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

SOCPA documents released

Julian Todd, bless him, put in a FOI request “for all the protest/arrest information which the Public Order Unit of the Home Office couldn’t be bothered to include in their Managing Protest Around Parliament consultation document.” The relevant post is … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 5 Comments

Half-Time Special: Act II (Anne Milton and David Cameron performing a jig and shuffle for your amusement)

First of all, let’s have a look at the sentiments expressed by our main performers on the subject of MP’s expenses: “I believe the public are right to demand more transparency and openness when it comes to MPs staff, pay, … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton, The Political Weblog Movement | 3 Comments

Look, it really is very simple….

A gem via Mr. Show: The Pre-Taped Call-In Show

Posted in Video | 1 Comment

Half-Time Special: Act I (a belly dancer speaks about human rights)

Most of you know Craig Murray by now, but you might not know too much about his lovely missus, Nadira. It would be a pity if this state of affairs were allowed to continue, so without further delay allow me … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement, The War on Stupid, Uzbekistan | 2 Comments

The half-time match report (with Nick and Elroy)

Well, there it is, Elroy. The half-time whistle has just blown, and the players are clearing the field for what promises to be a spectacular half-time show. The official line-up is largely under wraps, but I’ve heard that we can … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments