Monthly Archives: April 2008

WARNING: you won’t like this

Adults only beyond this point, please; some of the things we tolerate aren’t at all pleasant to think about….

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 2 Comments

How dare you tell me what to do?!

1. National Service is going ahead, but I can’t sit around forever waiting for the money situation to get better, so, with Clive’s help, I’ve built a little cash machine to help things along. That’ll be with you shortly. 2. … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, The Political Weblog Movement, The War on Stupid, UK Libel Law, Updates | 29 Comments

Meet Nick Kollerstrom

Blairwatch – Nick Kollerstrom’s Crap Circles: We’ve occasionally been targeted by 9/11 and 7/7 conspiraloons over our coverage of terrorism and strategies to deal with it. At one level it’s just a small group of deathly boring obsessives, at another … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 2 Comments

Wonder Twin powers, activate!

Gotta be out today. Let me leave you with some excellent posts… Complex System Of Pipes – Pop Goes The Ego The UK Today – The Blogger’s New Stats … and the following thought from the mind of a paranoid … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Lukewarm linkylove

Hello, Jherad… and welcome to my blogroll. :o) (Psst! Don’t feel too special. Ian and mou have also been added under ‘associates’ ‘small band of little acolytes’…)

Posted in Updates | 6 Comments

Short but sweet

Iain Dale and Paul Staines publish their stat-porn each and every month. Now they claim that they’re not blogging anything about their numbers and what might be wrong with them because it will bore their readers. :o) Just one of … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments

MessageSpace count real goodly

You may recall that, during a discussion about Paul Staines’ and Iain Dale’s confusion over the difference between a ‘visit and a ‘visitor’ and how this impacted on MessageSpace’s traffic claims, that Mr Kelly Nightingale, Managing Director of MessageSpace appeared … Continue reading

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A little pressie for Iain

Iain Dale has refused to answer this question: Iain? Care to make a statement? There is going to be an opt-out facility [for Total Politics], isn’t there? Iain Dale has also shown that he can become very confused about valid … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

A few words on the subject of Milli Vanilli

I’ve been pondering on what Professor Paul said recently under comments… So Dale & Staines are a sort of bloggers Milli Vanilli? … and I think he might really be onto something. Let’s begin with a quick look at the … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

ZOMG! Google knows all! Google sees all!

Heh. A few people have piped up mentioning a recent email from Google to all Google Analytics users, and I just got a copy myself in the early hours: Dear Google Analytics users, We are writing to let you know … Continue reading

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