This entry was posted on
Friday, June 6th, 2008 at
10:10 am and is filed
under George W. Bush.
Independent – US issues threat to Iraq’s $50bn foreign reserves in military deal: The US is holding hostage some $50bn of Iraq’s money in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to pressure the Iraqi government into signing an agreement seen by many Iraqis as prolonging the US occupation indefinitely, according to information leaked to The Independent.
I can’t possibly improve on RickB’s headline, so I won’t try:
Ten Percent – The Rape of Iraq: Bribed With It’s Own Money
By Justin June 6, 2008 - 7:20 pm
You sound surprised, mate.
By ian June 6, 2008 - 8:58 pm
You could improve on it grammatically./pedant.
By RickB June 6, 2008 - 9:16 pm
You're too kind sir! (I suppose blackmailed also works although as Maliki is involved…)Oh yes its, must (remember no editor to correct typos on blog).
By RickB June 6, 2008 - 9:20 pm
Or in comments…d'oh.
By Manic June 7, 2008 - 12:15 am
RickB: I recognise greed when I see it. 'Bribed' is more appropriate than 'blackmailed' in this case. Good choice of words. Mind you, what could possibly happen to that nice country of theirs were they to be careless might be in the back of some minds…ian: I saw 'bribed'; and thought it to be more correct while almost everyone else went with the easier option; 'blackmailed'. I didn't see the point in picking over a loose apostrophe.
By BenSix June 8, 2008 - 1:48 am
Wankers, wankers, wankers (officially).……
By Sim-O June 8, 2008 - 8:32 am
With all these reports that conclude that Bush and Blair overstated/misrepresented/exagerated/lied/misdirected and still neither of them will be prosecuted for war crimes.