George W. Bush: a boy and his bubble

This entry was posted on
Wednesday, June 4th, 2008
10:08 am and is filed
under George W. Bush.

Ten Percent has reminded me via a link to an old article that Scotland Yard only pressed for partial closure of London’s mobile phone network after Bush was told he wasn’t allowed to use his shiny black helicopters that block mobile phone signals.

In the end, he had to make do with a shiny black truck that followed the motorcade, blocking mobile phone signals.

(FFS! The rest of us get by with tinfoil.)

His bubble got a lot smaller as a result.

Seeing as many of the world’s problems with this administration stem from Bush insisting that he spend his entire life in a bubble so sterile that not even information can pass through, I saw this as a good thing.

In fact, I dared to hope that Bush’s bubble had finally become so small that he could actually see reality from where he was sitting.

Of course, Blair had to f**k it all up by creating a fantasy-land for him in Sedgefield (building Britain’s very first official free speech zone in the process) but Brown is not likely to be (a) that stupid and (b) under anywhere near as much pressure… especially after today.

The race for the White House is on* and McCain has begun by running a mile from Bush.

(*Don’t tell Hillary… she’s in a bubble of her own.)

[Psst! Items of interest here for Scotch and Ten Percent. The first round of invites for Operation Manticore are going out tomorrow latest.]

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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