This entry was posted on
Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 at
2:44 pm and is filed
under The Political Weblog Movement.
“I’d be interested in your views on this. In my view, self regulation works perfectly well. I someone makes a complaint to me about an abusive comment – or something I have writen which they believe is incorrect or offensive – I look it up and then decide whether to remove it, amend it or leave it as it is. If people don’t agree with my decision they don’t come back to my blog. It’s a simple, free market, and it works.” – Iain Dale
There you have it… straight from the horse’s arse.
If Iain Dale publishes something on his ‘blog’ that you don’t like (up to and including anonymous comments from people who wish to undermine your reputation without risking their own) and you complain about it, one of two things will happen:
1. Iain will kindly* and graciously** remove or alter the content that you believe “is incorrect or offensive”
2. Iain will refuse to change it, and you will be free to walk away and leave him to it, thereby fixing the problem.
Wait… what?
How does that fix the problem for anyone but Iain?
(*Isn’t that big of him?)
(**Yeah, right.)
By Guy Gooberman July 30, 2008 - 2:57 pm
I have seen this problem on far too many political blogs, anon commenting (and yes I have it on mine but my blog is mostly about acting and stuff and nonsense) enables bullying and negative behaviour to go unchallenged as well as the use of sock puppets.Also, far too many blog 'owners' do not take enough responsibility for what happens on their blogs and comments that are left.I myself have anon comments but always keep a close eye on what is being said and issue warnings or remove/close comments.
By Manic July 30, 2008 - 3:31 pm
Did you mean for this to go under 'identity and equity', GG?
By Paul.Ferrari July 31, 2008 - 10:29 am
I think that Iain believes that "self regulation works perfectly well" because what Iain wants is an environment where he can control what is allowed and what is not – therefore not a free and open environment.If he thinks the abuse is OK, then it stays – strange that he would have approved it for publication in the first place.
By Professor Paul July 31, 2008 - 11:00 am
Using the words Iain Dale & fair self regulation is an oxymoron isn't it? You know, like blogging expert Iain Dale?