“Crazy Ivan! Crazy Ivan!”

This entry was posted on
Monday, September 1st, 2008
11:12 am and is filed
under Old Media, Updates.

(Hey, I did warn you…)

I’ve put out an initial post on the subject of Page 3 today, but apart from that and some action over further image-nickery (later) the Sun-watch project will be chugging along happily without my help for the next week and a bit… because right now I’m in the mood to give The Daily Mail a long-overdue kicking where it hurts.

All those in favour?

(Wait for it, wait for it…..)

[Psst! If you’re a blogger and you’d like a head-start on the action, start browsing through any past articles you’ve written about the Mail now.]

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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