Monthly Archives: September 2008

This. (and another thing….)

Never Trust a Hippy – A declaration – draft 1: I thought it would be asking you – my readers – to help me compose a certificate that could be sent out to every Thatcherite and right-wing libertarian that you … Continue reading

Posted in Consume! | 2 Comments

Oprah Winfrey royally trolled: this is your brain on paedo-fear

Oprah has gone all quiet, mid-campaign. Her official messageboard community and the user-powered blogs at have been closed for ‘maintenance’ for days. Here’s why: Oprah vs. over 9000 PENISES “Let me read you something that was posted on our … Continue reading

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Clarkson Island

Via poons: Harry and Paul: Clarkson Island Too many Jeremy Clarksons and yet not enough Jeremy Clarksons to go round? My solution to that problem is remarkably Clarkson-like. First, you get yourself a 100+ horsepower industrial shredder, a really big … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 2 Comments

Iain Dale slams dodgy poll. (No, seriously.)

Iain Dale hahahaha frowns on hahahahaha fellow ‘blogger’ hahahahaha selling out hahahahahaha with unscientific poll! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…. *breeeeeathe*… ahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Can’t. Type. Or speak at normal. Rate. [unexpected intermission] Read more here. Oh, and make a futile attempt to have Iain recognise … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Teh Interwebs, The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Remember: September* 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Official site here. British HQ here. Enjoy. (*Why September? There be an Arrrrr! in the month.)

Posted in Teh Interwebs | 3 Comments

Omission of detail

Omission of detail #1: Septicisle on a few matters, including some case detail that the Daily Mail would rather not mention. The front page in question can be seen here. Omission of detail #2: Ian_QT fails to note or notice … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Page 3 - News in Briefs, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | Comments Off on Omission of detail

Noor Hanif’s letter to Alex Salmond

As off-putting as this not-very-appealing appeal was, the claim that someone had again silenced bloggers with the mere threat of legal action did get my attention, so I’d like to share the following with you: August 8th onwards: Evening Times … Continue reading

Posted in UK Libel Law | 2 Comments

Moult-Watch: the first set of relevant image results are in

For those who came in late: Bloggerheads – Julie Moult is an idiot Bloggerheads – The Daily Mail: let’s kick arse and take names Bloggerheads – The Daily Mail responds at last! The first full set of relevant image search … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 5 Comments

Iain Dale: what is it you can’t face?

As galling as it is to be included in a rigged game by a crooked referee – against my will and without my knowledge – only then to be labelled a bad sport for objecting, I’ll do my best to … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 6 Comments

Tories swimming happily in foreign money

Sunday Times – Lord Ashcroft funds Tories from Belize tax haven: Lord Ashcroft, deputy chairman of the Conservative party, has channelled money into party funds from the Central American tax haven of Belize, despite a ban on overseas donations. (more) … Continue reading

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