Monthly Archives: September 2008

Sarah Palin; pregnancy rumours and reality

Just so you know, according to Kuro5hin, the unpleasant rumours about Palin’s family started life as a troll on SomethingAwful.

Posted in Teh Interwebs, US Presidential Election 2008 | Comments Off on Sarah Palin; pregnancy rumours and reality

OK, so what are my options?

Iain Dale has ignored my specific request not to be involved in his inherently biased weblog poll, and has just deleted this comment of mine from under this post on his ‘weblog’: I don’t believe you, Dale. I blogged about … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 16 Comments

Memo to flying monkeys (all sqaudrons)

Closing this thread was not, in my view, an evil conspiratorial act of net censorship. I wish to make that ab-so-lute-ly clear. Cheers all.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 4 Comments

“Crazy Ivan! Crazy Ivan!”

(Hey, I did warn you…) I’ve put out an initial post on the subject of Page 3 today, but apart from that and some action over further image-nickery (later) the Sun-watch project will be chugging along happily without my help … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Updates | 1 Comment