McCain and Palin lose control of the mob

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, October 14th, 2008
11:09 am and is filed
under Christ…, US Presidential Election 2008.

Guardian – Desperate McCain gives beat to the dark heart of conservatism: It built up over the course of the week, as supporters at the rallies of John McCain and Sarah Palin started randomly screaming “terrorist!” and “off with his head!” and “treason!” and even “kill him!” at the mention of Barack Obama’s name…

AP – Angry anti-Obama taunts grip McCain, Palin events: Some of the anger is getting raw at Republican rallies and John McCain is mostly letting it flare… When a visibly angry McCain supporter in Waukesha, Wis., on Thursday told the candidate “I’m really mad” because of “socialists taking over the country,” McCain stoked the sentiment.

McCain And Palin Incite Mob Mentality

“What could very well be the sleaziest 4 days in modern political history” – Keith Olbermann

And then suddenly – in a manner that surprised at least one person – inflaming hatred led to a mob as dangerous and as unpredictable as fire:

CBS News – McCain Booed For Telling Audience To Be Respectful of Obama: In stark contrast to his last town hall meeting yesterday, John McCain dramatically toned down his attacks on Barack Obama, even after many in the audience were asking him to go on the offensive. McCain was even booed when he told the audience to be respectful and that “you don’t have to be scared” of Obama

The most unsettling aspect of this is that it wasn’t just online activists and mainstream media that prompted the gentle tap on the brakes that was so poorly received in Minnesota, but the intervention of the secret service!

That’s a campaign out of control, right there; I don’t care which side you’re on.

(Erm… unless you’re so far to the right that you think that the reporting of these comments to the secret service is part of a conspiracy involving the Democrats, the media and “…the liberal elite (who) want you to believe this race is over,” in which case you may as well stay right where you are. In your box.)

OK, so now I think would be a good time for Sarah Palin to ignore any wishy-washy objections from McCain or his people, and start sending ‘the right signals’ to the End Timers in her electoral base.

Just so we can get *them* revved up and feeling so downright biblical that little things like the law no longer seem to matter.

After all, what harm could it do?

UPDATE (15 Oct) – Great work from The Daily Show, as usual.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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Shouting 'I'm really mad' at a McCain rally? That displays a hitherto unprecedented level of self-awareness amongst the 'wingers, surely?Perhaps they've heard about Iain Dale deserting them?
Heh. I'm sure the Republicans are devastated. They've all heard of him, you know: sure about that 'mad' tag, though. I'm especially wary of it after seeing it swung about so readily by certain famous* right wing bloggers.(*famous in the same way that the business owner who appears in his own TV commmercials is famous.)

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