You’re welcome

This entry was posted on
Wednesday, October 1st, 2008
1:30 pm and is filed
under Search Engine Optimisation.

You might remember a few years back that we had a period of financial difficulty that followed 9/11 11/9. In the 6 months that followed, I noticed a sharp rise in a particular type of spam; it was obvious from the cookie-cutter nature of the spam and the common sites, products and affiliate schemes they were promoting that someone, somewhere was getting rich selling ‘money making’ packages to desperate people everywhere.

Not long after, I wrote and published The Porn Report.

The intention of the report was to show budding porn salesmen that the typical porn-oriented entrepreneurial experience involved a fast path to disappointment, not riches.

We are now entering a fresh period of financial difficulty, and I’m confident that any time now we can expect a fresh batch of desperate people to:

– Look at the small amount of money they have to hand
– Wonder how they might be able to turn it into a future mortgage payment or two
– Seriously consider wasting their time (and yours) by having a go at making money from selling porn online ‘just this once’.
– Start this journey by entering a word or three into a search engine

Ladies and gentlemen, I humbly submit to you the following community service from Bloggerheads:

[post continues after the fold]

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This is just a small sample of highlights. Feel free to try a few variations yourself.Every day, The Porn Report is out there doing its job and providing a valuable clue-by-four to people who otherwise would be wasting their money and your time.It does this instead of, say, helping me to rake in the big bucks with a page of recommended porn affiliates rip-offs.And you’re welcome.(Psst! Perhaps in an effort to blur the lines between fact and fiction ‘with integrity’, Paul Staines describes this here as my; “exploit(ing) porn for traffic”… not that he wants anyone to get the wrong idea, obviously.)

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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