BNP membership list leaked and published online

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, November 18th, 2008
5:09 pm and is filed
under Teh Interwebs.

Register – BNP membership list leaks online: The British National Party has lost its membership list – the whole thing has been published online. The list includes names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of all members up to September 2008.

Lancaster Unity – Entire BNP membership list goes online: As if this isn’t bad enough, the notes that are attached to many of the entries leave a lot of the members open to difficulties in their jobs, some of them being in the armed forces or the police and the BNP too – an illegal combination, and where not illegal, frequently frowned upon. Other members are noted as construction managers, receptionists, district nurses, lay preachers, police officers, company directors and teachers among many others. Like this wasn’t enough, the BNP has also listed hobbies or interests where for some reason they are deemed relevant. Thus we have short-wave radio hams, amateur historians, pagans, line-dancers and even a witch (male).

Of course I know where to find the full list, but I can’t and shan’t be sharing it with you.

(Oh Dog of private data, why do you mock me so?)

Interestingly, the only person I know who claims to be a BNP member… isn’t actually a fully paid-up member.

I’m appalled.

UPDATE – Tampon Teabag – BNP RIP: Publishing the personal details of your political opponents for the convenience any passing psycho is a Red Watch tactic, and utterly irresponsible and contemptible.

Oh, *well* said.

[Did you catch that bit, Phil? How about you, Iain? You refused to publicly condemn Phil Hendren’s actions, *and* the actions of the Guildford Tories who actually sought to bring their target to the attention of Red Watch’s ‘nonce-watch’ army at one stage.]

UPDATE – For those who feel conflicted and would appreciate some low-fat guilt-free schadenfreude, I offer this:

BNP – Labour: 5000 families at risk of being attacked (7 Sep) : Once again, the Labour government is putting peoples’ lives at risk with its obvious incompetence to manage confidential data.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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