Monthly Archives: November 2008

Rain save Bob!

Rain come! Rain come!

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Do not want!

No! No! No! Save Bob! Help Bob!

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Guy Fawkes Night 2008

So who’s going on the bonfire this year? You are. That’s right; you, ya bastard. You are going in the fire, and you are going to burn, and you are going to like it. More below the fold. < --------- … Continue reading

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A short list of rejects

For those who came in late: 2005: Tony Blair2007: Rebekah Wade OK, the time has finally come for me to (almost) reveal what the plan is for Guy Fawkes Night this year, starting with a list of who is not … Continue reading

Posted in Guy Fawkes Night | 1 Comment

Hazel Blears: passing interest and passing judgement

How does that speech made by Hazel Blears warrant careful analysis? It only barely qualifies for a link. The name-dropping is an obvious plea for attention, which ironically rewards two attention-seekers with the star billing they crave from others (when … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 3 Comments

New category

That is all.

Posted in Barack Obama | 1 Comment

Live-blogging the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

I’m over at Liberal Conspiracy tonight, but I may also stray into b3ta/board. It depends on how rough, jolly, or jolly rough it gets. Some updates or titbits may appear in this post.

Posted in US Presidential Election 2008 | Comments Off on Live-blogging the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

A little pre-show not-quite-live-blogging action for you

It’s 4pm in London, 11am in New York and 7am in Alaska. 1. You’ll need perspective from Atrios before you step into this pool or any pool like it, as there’ll be rogue agents, power-playing wannabes and many, many excitable … Continue reading

Posted in US Presidential Election 2008 | 2 Comments

Isn’t anybody going to help that poor woman?

Sarah Palin talks to Brad Bailey about race and equality (via) She is way, way wayyyyy out of her depth. Please let today be the end of it. For a while, at least.

Posted in US Presidential Election 2008 | Comments Off on Isn’t anybody going to help that poor woman?

Andrew Gilligan: more sock-puppets found

Further reports are coming in of Andrew Gilligan making comments about his articles while pretending to be someone other than himself. I’m waiting to see a firm denial from Gilligan. When you’re ready, Andrew…. Meanwhile, bloggers who suspect that they … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 3 Comments