Gaza: false calls for peace

This entry was posted on
Monday, January 5th, 2009
1:39 pm and is filed
under It’s War! It’s Legal! It’s Lovely!.

“Tony’s on holiday at the moment. [He] issued a statement and his work is very important to what we are doing.” – Gordon Brown on Gaza and Blair (source) (via)

Well, clearly what’s missing here is some quality spin, but the Tories seem to be in control of most suppliers of that lately, so let me have a crack at it in the hope that I might one day qualify to be the allegedly necessary leftist version of Iain Dale:

That this did not happen until Tony Blair went on holiday proves what an effective peacemaker he is. Clearly he is worth every penny, and should be paid overtime if and when he decides to interrupt his holiday.

I know it’s missing the requisite level of feigned indignation/outrage that anyone would suggest otherwise, but I’m working on that.

Meanwhile, word reaches us from diplomatic circles that all is not what it seems in the ceasefire symphony. In fact, the orchestration appears to be subject to an entirely different arrangement:

Craig Murray – Gordon Brown Is a Murderous Two Faced Cunt: Brown is appeasing domestic horror at the Israeli massacre in Gaza by calling for a ceasefire. Meanwhile British diplomats on the United Nations Security Council are under direct instructions to offer “tacit support” to United States’ efforts to block a ceasefire. I have been told this directly by a former colleague in the UK Mission to the United Nations.

It’s unlike Craig to use profanity*, but he clearly did so with intent here, so I’m leaving the word uncensored and the message undiluted.

(*I suspect the influence of the recently-departed author and activist Harold Pinter.)

Related bloggage:
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Septicisle – Not concealing their enjoyment

UPDATE – An awesome photoshopping effort from Beau Bo D’Or! (via)

(Psst! I think it’s a fair bet that IDF cheerleader Paul Staines won’t be stealing this one.)

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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I wish it was as simple as Israel not being 'evil' and behaving itself.I also wish they didn't raise to the bait everytime Hamas (who exist purely to annoy israel into these kind of terrible wars...oh and erase Israel from the map) offers a challenge but I also wish that I could find more balanced and open-minded commentary on the subject matter somewhere.Oh well...

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