Shock and awesome

This entry was posted on
Friday, January 23rd, 2009
9:51 pm and is filed
under Barack Obama, Geekage, Inneresting.

I am shocked that this is possible. It is awesome. – President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address by David Bergman

Check out the four guys on the far-right of the roof of the white building in the background. Seriously.

(via b3ta, with best comment: “All those people, and no-one came as Wally.”)

UPDATE – Cheney. Awesome.

UPDATE – Professional image. Not yours. Hahahaha! Awesome.

UPDATE – Oh, bloody hell. Hahahahahaha! Am I allowed to say it again?

“2 stagehands walk into a bar… the second one had Gaff tape.”

One for the ages, now. Kilroy 2.0 and all that.

UPDATE – You can congratulate the creator here, if you fancy.

UPDATE – Huge 21.3Mb aerial photograph of the same event (via)

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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