Tony ‘two medals’ Blair

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, January 6th, 2009
12:23 pm and is filed
under Humanity, It’s War! It’s Legal! It’s Lovely!, Tony ‘King Blair.

Next week Tony Blair will return from holiday and rush to Gaza and actually do his job as special envoy to the Middle East rush to the White House to collect not one but two medals for his stellar work in the use of troops, torture and tits against terrorism… and a sovereign nation by the wayside that was just asking for it.

BBC – Blair to get US Medal of Freedom: In his last week in office, President Bush will award the medal to Mr Blair, former Australian PM John Howard and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. All three leaders had been “staunch allies*” of the US, particularly against terrorism, said the White House. (via)

The word ‘circle jerk‘ springs to mind, but let’s move on to that second medal…

Telegraph – Tony Blair chooses image on medal from George W Bush: Since he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by George W Bush more than five years ago for being a “staunch and steadfast ally” during the Iraq war, Tony Blair has failed to collect the gong. The former prime minister is, however, taking a keen interest in the medal’s design before it is specially made by the US Federal Mint. The spokesman declines to say which images Blair wants, but points out that it will be made to his specifications: “It is not a standard design. The Dalai Lama had his face on his medal.”

In my mind, the only way they could devalue the trinket any further with this charade would be to put Tony Blair’s face on it, go for the full circle jerk with the medal at the centre, and televise the money shot. The whole thing could be set to music.

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As the BBC article notes; each Congressional Gold Medal is individually designed and minted and it took Tony Blair many years to decide on the words and images it would feature.

(Hm. Maybe he was stalling. Perhaps he was waiting for ‘history’ to kick in. Who knows?)

I am offering the choice of any available prize from the prize shelf to the person who comes closest in their guess of the word(s) and image(s) that actually appear on the medal.

A special prize will also be awarded to the most amusing guess/suggestion.

Entries will be accepted via comments (including b3ta), email, and/or links to bloggage.

Entries close on the 12th, or at the moment some spoilsport leaks substantial details.

Good luck to you.

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[*Oi! Where’s Karimov’s medal?]

UPDATE (13 Jan) – That’s one medal down… but we’re minus the all-important money shot. Hang in there.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
This entry was posted in Humanity, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, Tony 'King Blair. Bookmark the permalink.

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Is this Tony Award for his performance in the theatre of war?
Ho-ho. He was slaying them in the aisles.:o)
"Side-Kicks do it harder."
"If you find the person wearing this wandering aimlessly around the Middle East, please do not return him to his owner as he is of little use to me now. His bitch might miss his money though.George W. Bush"

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