Monthly Archives: February 2009

Labour liars’ love-in goes mainstream

Kissy kissy. Draper and many bloggers defend strategy Derek Draper, editor of LabourList, has rejected suggestions that his web strategy is too Westminster-focused. He told PRWeek: ‘There is a massive spread of issues on the website. It should be about … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 8 Comments

The Royal Academy of Media Watchery

I’ve noticed on my travels that it’s often the biggest frauds who put the most official sounding names on things. Like John Beyer, that clown who’s claimed the name ‘Media Watch’ and secured it exclusively for the narrowest of agendas, … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 2 Comments

On the subject of retro-moderation

I’ve just made my very first post – ever – to Labourhome. I hope it doesn’t get deleted or anything… – UPDATE – Prepare to choke back just a little bit of vomit; a joint statement from Alex Hilton and … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 3 Comments

The Media Watch Project

I really wanted to have a better logo ready for today, but hopefully you can see where I’m going with this, and I won’t need a long paragraph explaining exactly what this change in priorities means for ‘Murdoch Watch’: The … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, The Political Weblog Movement | Comments Off on The Media Watch Project

Eight(ish) items about Derek Draper and Paul Staines

1. The Draper ‘Downfall’ video comes to us anonymously. It a situation like this, I suspect sock-puppetry. The video gets no linky-love from me. 2. Given Draper’s wider antics and the excuse he provides for his use of the term … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 17 Comments

Alex Hilton = Derek Draper

Got any doubts about that equation? Well, we’ve all watched Derek Draper’s manufactured outrage about words used or ‘defended’ by Iain Dale and Paul Staines (aka ‘Guido Fawkes’)… now I invite you to watch Alex Hilton playing the very same … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

Alex Hilton, secret ‘threats’ and MessageSpace

All of the anger generated over Alex Hiltons claims that he was confronted with secret threats rests on the dual assumption (a) that Derek Draper made the call, and (b) that Hilton is being 100% honest with us/himself about what … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 8 Comments

Googlebombing YouTube

[Note – A Googlebomb is something that (a) typically involves Google, and (b) making something that has no textual relevance to a keyword or keywords respond to that query regardless of this by external influence (typically, linking to a target … Continue reading

Posted in Search Engine Optimisation | 4 Comments

Torture: those lying, torturing, mother-forgetting scoundrels

Guardian – Miliband faces new ‘torture cover-up’ storm: David Miliband, the foreign secretary, was last night facing fresh pressure over torture allegations after it was revealed that his officials asked the US for help in suppressing crucial evidence. The Foreign … Continue reading

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Roger Alton: why I’ve lost faith in The Independent

Hi folks. I plan on chatting with you about the credibility of old and new media this week. Please bear with me… (Psst! Or, if it’s more to your speed, perhaps instead check out Sim-O on The Sun and their … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 17 Comments