Monthly Archives: February 2009

The Fix

George Monbiot – Just what exactly do you stand for, Hazel Blears – except election?: Fixes like this might give you some clues about why more people are not taking part in politics. I believe there is a vast public … Continue reading

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Epic win: Christian Bale Vs. David after the dentist

By now most of you will have heard Christian Bale’s rant (plus a few remixes) and seen David after his visit to the dentist (plus a few remixes)… now prepare yourselves for a sweary trip to YouTube heaven (NSFW audio, … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 4 Comments

Jeremy Reynalds forgot to declare an interest

Jeremy Reynalds is an interesting man whose mind works in interesting ways. Take, for example, his reaction to the Abu Ghraib scandal; which *so* obviously raised questions about homosexuals in the military and the way CBS conduct themselves. So when … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, The Political Weblog Movement | 16 Comments

Carol Thatcher: weblogs, frogs and golliwogs

The Times – Carol Thatcher’s golliwog remarks ‘made eyes roll in the green room’: Thatcher, who had been drinking, her spokeswoman admitted, is alleged to have referred to “the golliwog frog”, thought to be a reference to the French player … Continue reading

Posted in Tolerance | 5 Comments

PCC ‘in league with terrorists’ outrage shock exclusive

Hi folks! Regulars at Bloggerheads will know by now that I’m simply fascinated by the craft of sock-puppetry, and I have a cracker of a sock-puppet to show you. [Note – If this is of little to no interest to … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, The Political Weblog Movement | 7 Comments

Boy Miliband boldly stands aside on torture

Telegraph – David Miliband says Britain right on ‘torture evidence’ refusal: He told MPs that the American authorities did not want documents discussing the Binyam Mohamed case to be made public, and that defying their wishes would not be in … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, The War on Stupid | Comments Off on Boy Miliband boldly stands aside on torture

Emails to Downing Street delivered

Tom has kindly been keeping tabs on the Downing Street email situation, and he tells me that they’re a month away from a fix. The emails I’ve gathered have been faxed to Downing Street, with the following message: Hello, Downing … Continue reading

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Snow day!

A small selection of photos I took when out and about today. In other news, Iain Dale is waving the ‘fascist’ tag about, and David Cameron throws like a girl.

Posted in Photos | 3 Comments