Hankies at the ready, men!

This entry was posted on
Friday, March 13th, 2009
11:17 pm and is filed
under Video.

World Builder from Bruce Branit on Vimeo (link via)

[Geeks only: After watching this, I looked up an old friend ; Overdrawn at the Memory Bank. Joy of joys, I discovered treasure! The movie they made about it was so very special that it was MST3Ked. Have a little taster here, if you fancy; I’m saving the whole thing for later.]

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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I have just about every MST3K video released and Overdrawn at the Memory Bank is one of my favourites. When my missus and I compete in pub quizzes we even use it as our team name; since most Brits have never even heard of MST3K or obscure Raul Julia TV movies made in Canada (I can't think why) it gets some interesting looks followed by vacant stares when we try to explain it.
I happened across the short story by John Varley in an anthology of short science fiction on a lovely summer day (showing my age) almost 20 years ago. I wasn't aware of the movie until last night. That it contains the late Raul Julia (actOR-for-hire) fills me with joyous anticipation.I'm really looking forward to an awful movie tonight.:o)
UPDATE - An extraodinary movie, with *very* special special effects. If only they had waited a couple of years for the Fairlight CVI to come on the market, then they really could've gone to town:http://audiovisualizers.com/toolshak/vidsynth/fai...

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