Monthly Archives: March 2009

Open letter to Paul Dacre (editor of the Daily Mail)

Dear Paul, I am writing to you about the ‘terror expert’ Glen Jenvey (aka ‘Richard Tims’) and his associate Michael Starkey. In January, The Sun published a story (for which Jenvey was the primary source) in which it was claimed … Continue reading

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Open letter to Peter Hill (editor of the Daily Express)

Dear Peter, I am writing to you about the ‘terror expert’ Glen Jenvey (aka ‘Richard Tims’) and his associate Michael Starkey. In January, The Sun published a story for which Jenvey was the primary source in which it was claimed … Continue reading

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Open letter to Martin Townsend (editor of the Sunday Express)

Dear Martin, You asked me to email you if I was unhappy after speaking with Derek Lambie about the Dunblane matter and/or if I felt there were issues yet to be resolved. Well, the only real communication I’ve enjoyed with … Continue reading

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Lessons not yet learned

Online Journalism Blog – Facebook, Dunblane and a 2 page apology from the Express – a lesson in online journalism ethics (Contains a good call on this rubbish, BTW. I’m appalled at how lazy this is.) – UPDATE (25 Mar) … Continue reading

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Let’s go, mainstream

Some teenagers have a drink or two or some girl gets into a fight or some nasty things are said about a quiz contestant and suddenly what’s said or seen on websites is worth ‘researching’ and reporting. I find evidence … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 12 Comments

Scottish Sunday Express big enough to say they’re (kind of) sorry…. eventually

More than a week too late, deliciously self-serving, no mention of any disciplinary action for anyone, and it contains a claim that many people might regard to be an outright lie. Sunday Express – DUNBLANE: WE’RE SORRY: It is our … Continue reading

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Progress at last

An interim statement from Patrick Mercer, who is today looking at evidence: “I disassociate myself from anything that Glen Jenvey may have claimed about Mr Tim Ireland and will be looking carefully into my other dealings with Mr Jenvey.” – … Continue reading

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One or two faces

– | – Click here to sign the petition(6,230 signatures and counting) Click here to join the Facebook group(4,364 members and counting) IF YOU ARE NEW TO THIS ISSUE, PLEASE *READ* THE PETITION Scottish Sunday Express article at the centre … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 2 Comments

Derek Lambie: The Gates

– | – Click here to sign the petition(4,481 signatures and counting) Click here to join the Facebook group(3,302 members and counting) IF YOU ARE NEW TO THIS ISSUE, PLEASE *READ* THE PETITION Scottish Sunday Express article at the centre … Continue reading

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How nice. [UPDATED – This smear is definitely the work of Glen Jenvey]

Somebody based in the UK has been targeting Thai weblogs listed on this site, and leaving the following anonymous comment: I deny it all, of course. As if I need to. Please keep in mind that this may not be … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 28 Comments