Monthly Archives: March 2009

Elizabeth Smith MSP wishes to sit this one out

For the benefit of newcomers, I’ve timelined this one… watch as Elizabeth Smith is seen to attack survivors of the Dunblane massacre, before standing up for them… and then sitting down again: Sunday 8 March Elizabeth Smith MSP is quoted … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Tories! Tories! Tories! | 4 Comments

Some recent advertisers with Express Newspapers

[UPDATE (19 Mar) – I’m going with the consensus on this one, withdrawing from the boycott, and advising against action of this kind until further notice. There is a clear groundswell here, and Derek Lambie’s position looks increasingly untenable. This … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 2 Comments

What Derek Lambie has to say for himself

Well, this post finally earned me a reply from the good people at Express Newspapers; I’ve just recently enjoyed an email conversation with Derek Lambie, editor of the Scottish Sunday Express. Happily, almost everything was said ‘on the record’, so … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 2 Comments

What have Martin Townsend and Paula Murray got to say for themselves?

Adam Bienkov has kindly published a scan of the Sunday Express feature, and I strongly urge you to at least take a look at this thumbnail if you don’t have the time to fully appreciate the readable PDFs hosted by … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 4 Comments

An enormous penis

Guardian – Padding the truth: But the truth is that circulation – at least in the short term – has little to do with a newspaper’s quality or the editor’s skills. Marketing campaigns, price cuts (or rises), free offers and … Continue reading

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Paula Murray: certified depth

Everyone from 4chan to Fark knows that it takes a special kind of person to enjoy the challenge of being the very first to comment, especially if one has nothing to say (other than “First!”, obviously). If there were a … Continue reading

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Eclectic link dump #25

Mr Jenvey is busy elsewhere early today, but he has promised to share a statement with us later. I’m happy waiting for that, but here are a few extras for those of you who have looked through the old magazines … Continue reading

Posted in Christ..., Geekage, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, Teh Interwebs, The Political Weblog Movement, Updates, Video | 2 Comments

But let’s not make a fuss

PA – [Rebekah ‘red mist’ Wade and] Ross Kemp given ‘quickie’ divorce: In a written question-and-answer style divorce document before the court Ms Wade, 40, is asked: “State briefly your reasons for saying that the respondent has committed the adultery … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 2 Comments

Daily Mail Watch now live – fab prize up for grabs

The new and renewed Daily Mail Watch is now live. Check out my personal intro post and those of the other editors for full details beyond this short mission statement from my intro: The purpose of the site is simple; … Continue reading

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Glen Jenvey is experiencing some difficulty

I’ve been very patient with our Mr Jenvey. I have gone to great lengths to better appreciate and even adopt his position on (i.e. that they are in league with terrorists), but Mr Jenvey still persists with a Carnival … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments