Play the new and exciting game NAD-LIBS at home or at work

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, May 26th, 2009
3:47 pm and is filed
under Tories! Tories! Tories!.

Hi, kids!

Hey, do you want to be the coolest and HIPPEST cat in your playground or office? Then show your grasp of current affairs by playing this GREAT NEW GAME with your friends, family and assorted associates:

NAD-LIBS! It works a lot like Mad-Libs, only focused entirely on the antics of one of our most dishonest, juvenile, delusional and dim-witted MPs; Nadine Dorries.


The BIG HINTS for playing this game successfully include:
a) never try to play online, because it rarely works as well as it does ‘live’
b) choose an audience that’s at least dimly aware of our dimmest MP
c) alternatively, just find some children (or some people who think like children)
d) do not show or share any of the story to your audience until it is finished

Here are all the HILARIOUS and FUN story-sheets that are a available right now as a FREE DOWNLOAD!

NAD-LIBS: Sheet# 1 – Nadine Dorries wins the day [DOWNLOAD]

Erm, well, as you can see, there’s only one right now, but I thought some of you might like to try writing one or two yourselves, as I have other things to get on with. If you send anything in, inline text in an email is fine, and please try to stay near 100-150 words (including blanks) with no more than 20-25 blanks in all.

Cheers all.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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