Attempt no landing there

This entry was posted on
Thursday, October 8th, 2009
11:51 am and is filed
under The Political Weblog Movement, The War on Stupid, Tories! Tories! Tories!, Updates.

For the avoidance of doubt;

– I am busy, and working behind the scenes on the main story; what Patrick Mercer and his staff are hiding (and, to a lesser extent, the lengths they will go to in order to keep it a secret).

– I did not write the email that Dominic Wightman is using as his latest plot device; but I invite you to read his illuminating response to it.

– If you receive anything that claims to be from me and it seems unexpected, unusual or in any way out of character, please use this address to check with me first (noting the ‘s’ in bloggerheadS’):

( bloggerheads DOT com AT gmail DOT com )

– I am also working on objects of artistic merit at the moment, so if there are no new developments on the main story, I will probably not be blogging, but instead building. Your most likely ‘live’ feed during this period is my Twitter channel.

Cheers all. Please write a letter to your MP if you haven’t already done so.

UPDATE (09 Oct) – Unity – Second Tabloid Terror Threat Story Exposed as a Fake

I predict another awkward silence from Patrick Mercer, and Daniel Jones of The People. What Wightman will have to say about it is anybody’s guess.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
This entry was posted in The Political Weblog Movement, The War on Stupid, Tories! Tories! Tories!, Updates. Bookmark the permalink.

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So to be clear Tim, to further prove his deluded state of mind and serious lack of a grip upon reality, he is making up emails that he is then pretending you sent to him with no sense of shame?What a massive twat.
Well, if he's making it up, the facts must truly be on his side.
That jpg screencap is just so fake. Look at font spacing in places, not to mention what looks like a cursor lurking in a non-input field. Oh well, perhaps he could benefit from your photoshopping skills.
mikkimoose's avatar

mikkimoose · 801 weeks ago

It's unlikely to be a fake screencap - the googlemail address rather than gmail suggests that this is a brand new gmail account set up in the UK, as Google give all new users since about 2006 'googlemail' addresses.

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