Author Archives: Tim Ireland
About Tim Ireland
Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.Eight(ish) items about Derek Draper and Paul Staines
1. The Draper ‘Downfall’ video comes to us anonymously. It a situation like this, I suspect sock-puppetry. The video gets no linky-love from me. 2. Given Draper’s wider antics and the excuse he provides for his use of the term … Continue reading
Alex Hilton = Derek Draper
Got any doubts about that equation? Well, we’ve all watched Derek Draper’s manufactured outrage about words used or ‘defended’ by Iain Dale and Paul Staines (aka ‘Guido Fawkes’)… now I invite you to watch Alex Hilton playing the very same … Continue reading
Alex Hilton, secret ‘threats’ and MessageSpace
All of the anger generated over Alex Hiltons claims that he was confronted with secret threats rests on the dual assumption (a) that Derek Draper made the call, and (b) that Hilton is being 100% honest with us/himself about what … Continue reading
Googlebombing YouTube
[Note – A Googlebomb is something that (a) typically involves Google, and (b) making something that has no textual relevance to a keyword or keywords respond to that query regardless of this by external influence (typically, linking to a target … Continue reading
Torture: those lying, torturing, mother-forgetting scoundrels
Guardian – Miliband faces new ‘torture cover-up’ storm: David Miliband, the foreign secretary, was last night facing fresh pressure over torture allegations after it was revealed that his officials asked the US for help in suppressing crucial evidence. The Foreign … Continue reading
Roger Alton: why I’ve lost faith in The Independent
Hi folks. I plan on chatting with you about the credibility of old and new media this week. Please bear with me… (Psst! Or, if it’s more to your speed, perhaps instead check out Sim-O on The Sun and their … Continue reading
The Fix
George Monbiot – Just what exactly do you stand for, Hazel Blears – except election?: Fixes like this might give you some clues about why more people are not taking part in politics. I believe there is a vast public … Continue reading
Epic win: Christian Bale Vs. David after the dentist
By now most of you will have heard Christian Bale’s rant (plus a few remixes) and seen David after his visit to the dentist (plus a few remixes)… now prepare yourselves for a sweary trip to YouTube heaven (NSFW audio, … Continue reading
Jeremy Reynalds forgot to declare an interest
Jeremy Reynalds is an interesting man whose mind works in interesting ways. Take, for example, his reaction to the Abu Ghraib scandal; which *so* obviously raised questions about homosexuals in the military and the way CBS conduct themselves. So when … Continue reading
Carol Thatcher: weblogs, frogs and golliwogs
The Times – Carol Thatcher’s golliwog remarks ‘made eyes roll in the green room’: Thatcher, who had been drinking, her spokeswoman admitted, is alleged to have referred to “the golliwog frog”, thought to be a reference to the French player … Continue reading