Author Archives: Tim Ireland

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.

Sun-watch v1.0

The Sun – Tabloid Lies is a new collaborative blog that starts here. Regulars may appreciate that this first incarnation of an ongoing Sun-watch project has been built on the ashes of Rebekah Wade. Don’t worry if I haven’t already … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 1 Comment

Busy, busy, busy

I have one video on the loose and two more on the workbench. I have a pile of raw footage to look through today and a shedload of writing to do besides, but here’s a quick something for those who … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects, Updates | 7 Comments

Schillings and Spicer could be a lot nicer

Craig is being bullied by lawyers again, and could do with your support. No doubt there’ll be plenty more over the weekend. UPDATE – Meanwhile… Unity – Source for the gander: Whatever you might personally think of the underlying issues, … Continue reading

Posted in UK Libel Law | 1 Comment

An open letter to Phil Hendren (aka ‘Dizzy’ of ‘Dizzy Thinks’)

Dear Mr Hendren, You appear to require some specific instruction and detailed clarification on this matter, so please bear with me: Introduction I do not wish you to call me at home; this is why I have never provided you … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement, Tories! Tories! Tories! | 16 Comments


I’m writing today, but I do have a small distraction for you, as the initial research involved comic books and I’ve found a whopper that I can share with the class: Treasure Chest – This Godless Communism Regulars of Bloggerheads … Continue reading

Posted in Inneresting | Comments Off on Commies


Mail on Sunday – All The President’s Men: The unimaginable lengths needed to keep George Bush alive: For his recent trip to London, the work called on the expertise of 904 civilian staff from the Department of Defense, 600 from … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 2 Comments


AP – Londoners mark July 7 bombings anniversary: Londoners on Monday marked the third anniversary of the July 7 suicide bombings that killed 52 commuters during a rush-hour attack. Hundreds of commuters and survivors stood silently as Mayor Boris Johnson … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | Comments Off on Victims


“I’m not a ‘victim of injustice’ as far as I’m concerned this is just a flame war.” – Phil Hendren Hendren doesn’t need an apology, Hendren doesn’t deserve an apology, and the only reason Hendren wants an apology is so … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 6 Comments

The rewriters of history

I’ve had my differences* with some of the peeps over at Harry’s Place, too (over bullying and bullshit under comments if you can believe that) but I’ll stand with them over this: Ministry of Truth – Harry’s Place threatened with … Continue reading

Posted in UK Libel Law | Comments Off on The rewriters of history


1. It was a mistake not to consider John Hirst as a suspect in the Ironed Sardine matter, especially when there’s an obvious reason why he may not have been aware of many of the things that were so wrong … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 21 Comments