Author Archives: Tim Ireland
About Tim Ireland
Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.An interesting day
1. The latest contact list just arrived, and I am now officially a local flood warden. 2. I have just received notice that my submission to the public consultation on SOCPA has been read/viewed. 3. Oh, and Paul Staines is … Continue reading
MessageSpace is distributing copyrighted material without permission
I was unaware that MessageSpace was Paul Staines’ own personal plaything. Somehow, I got the impression that it was a group effort and he was merely an advisor of sorts. Oh well. Live and learn… You may recall that Paul … Continue reading
Peter Hain
Judging by past efforts of right-wing bloggers thugs, over the next day or two there are bound to be a few anonymous comments appearing here and there that seek to cast me as a New Labour stooge or even a … Continue reading
So what’s going on here, then? (Part Two)
Note #1: This probably won’t last for long, as Staines is lurking nearby (even though he’d never admit it). Note #2: I am *not* including a hyperlink, because this has nothing to do with the redirection code that proves how … Continue reading
A few straight questions for the Conservatives
The following is the list of questions that I would loved to have issued to CCHQ days ago, had Paul Staines not released his semi-embargoed explanation for this turn of events at 6pm on a Friday evening (in much the … Continue reading
So what’s going on here, then?
A message finds its way to the Telegraph that bigs-up Paul Staines’ role in Hain’s downfall…. and at the end of that email is a bog-standard disclaimer you would normally expect when receiving an email from a representative of the … Continue reading
Meet the Rootin Tootin Cowboys
The Rootin Tootin Cowboys discuss Iraq (via). Enjoy: The Rootin Tootin Cowboys 2 – Iraq (The Rootin Tootin Cowboys are John Hopkins and Gareth Tunley. And they rock.)
The Northern Rocky Horror Show
Well, I’m not entirely on board with the politics myself… but this is the best animation from Matt Buck to date, so it gets a link.
Missile Bases in the Sky!
Tch. We’re pathetic, aren’t we? Almost a decade into the 21st century, and the long-promised flying cars, moving sidewalks, one-size-fits-all silver jumpsuits and cities on the moon continue to elude us. Remember when we used to dream of a better … Continue reading
My submission to the Home Office for the public consultation on SOCPA
It’s finished… and just in time. My submission to the Home Office in response to the Government’s consultation document on Sections 132 to 138 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 is a slide show in video format … Continue reading