Category Archives: Humanity
Darfur: where are the Clooney-bashers?
Whenever George Clooney or any other celebrity has the temerity to speak out about the Middle East, all sorts of wingnuts crawl out from under their rocks to malign, mock and undermine them (here’s a classic example)… but I’m not … Continue reading
A cry for publicity
Guardian – ‘Killing themselves was unnecessary. But it certainly is a good PR move’ : “It does sound like this is part of a strategy – in that they don’t value their own lives, and they certainly don’t value ours; … Continue reading
This man does not speak for me
Galloway: Bombing Blair ‘justified’ (via) (Please keep this clear stance in mind whenever I declare my wish to see Tony Blair’s head on a spike. I will, of course, be speaking figuratively.)
Weblogs by (former) residents of New Orleans
No doubt you’re aware of, but I thought you might also be interested in some of the following weblogs, all of which are written by people who – until a week or so ago – used to live in … Continue reading
What are you doing this Saturday?
Demonstrate against the Uzbek massacres. Uzbek Embassy, London, 12 noon, Saturday 21st May 12 Noon – Saturday 21st May 2005 – Assemble at the Uzbek Embassy, 41 Holland Park Road, London W11 3RP
Daily Mail weeps for Holocaust victims
As they’ve always been champions of the rights of Jews, gays and gypsies, obviously…
I will never forget. But neither will I tolerate those who would exploit this tragedy in order to commit or excuse their own crimes against humanity. I will never forget. But neither will I tolerate those who would exploit this … Continue reading
Abuse of Iraqis by British troops: naming the bad apples
Well, isn’t that interesting? Richard Desmond appears to be trying to get on Tony’s good side by not running the images and instead reminding us what this fight is ‘really’ about… and that we could all get blowed up… BBC … Continue reading
Iraq: abuse by UK soldiers (graphic content warning goes here)
Guardian – Court martial told of soldiers’ ‘appalling’ abuse: Three British soldiers carried out “shocking and appalling” physical and sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners that was photographed by servicemen, a court martial heard today. Twenty-two photographs were released by a … Continue reading
Gonzales: Actually, I *was* expecting the Hispanic inquisition
OK, it’s shocking, it’s alarming…. but it Does. Not. Surprise. Me. At. All. Guardian – Bush’s choice for top law job faces grilling on torture: Alberto Gonzales, currently his chief legal adviser, told Mr Bush in early 2002 that the … Continue reading