Category Archives: It’s War! It’s Legal! It’s Lovely!
Brown’s government delivers the bare minimum at the last minute
[WARNING: Contains some justified swearing] Gordon Brown is a can’t. Dan Hardie – Iraqi employees: the numbers game Pissweak weasel-words are not enough. Further, the approach and timing (i.e. immediately before/after tomorrow’s meeting without acknowledging same) is an insult I’m … Continue reading
Link of the day, week and year
Dan Hardie – Iraqi Employees: Maintain the pressure: Gordon Brown may apparently be making a statement on Iraq to the House of Commons tomorrow afternoon, sometime after 2pm. He may or may not mention Britain’s Iraqi employees and the need … Continue reading
Gordon Brown and his mysterious movements
In the greatest show of cheek since adopting the word ‘change’ for a campaign slogan, the Conservatives are now laying into Gordon Brown for playing ‘dog-whistle’ politics; partisan/projection nonsense aside, this is all part of a growing impatience with Brown’s … Continue reading
Did anyone else just hear the sound of a tightening screw?
The New Yorker – The Senate Does the Right Thing: Late last night, to the amazement of refugee advocates, the Senate approved by unanimous consent an amendment by Senator Kennedy to a defense bill that will make it easier for … Continue reading
Fighting terror by murdering civilians
Independent – Iraq tells US security company to leave after civilian deaths: The Iraqi government has ordered the American private security contractor Blackwater, which provides protection for US officials in the country, to shut down its operations after its guards … Continue reading
More bodies in Basra
Times – Dragged to death for helping the British: A man said to have been an interpreter for the British Army in Basra has been killed by militia gunmen on the very day that his wife learnt she was pregnant … Continue reading
“Get out or die”
Times – Get out or die, security force chief tells interpreters for British Army: Iraqi interpreters working for the British Army have been advised to leave Basra or be killed. The warning was issued by a leading member of the … Continue reading
September 11: dust in the wind and mud in the water
Bush’s pet general makes his ‘surge progress’ report on the 10th, so all analysis is neatly counter-pointed by the anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. The reason for this should be obvious… even though the only connections between … Continue reading
A refugee writes…
Riverbend, on arriving safely in Syria: The first minutes after passing the border were overwhelming. Overwhelming relief and overwhelming sadness… How is it that only a stretch of several kilometers and maybe twenty minutes, so firmly segregates life from death? … Continue reading
Invite your MP to publicly give a damn
Invite your MP to a speaker meeting at Parliament on Tuesday 9th October… “and don’t forget to tell them about the TV crews.” Heh. Dan’s got their number.