Category Archives: The Political Weblog Movement
Duncan Sandes and the diddled Western Morning News poll
Independent – Pandora: Tory press office in a spin over poll fix: To coincide with Cameron’s holiday in Padstow, the Western Morning News ran an online poll this week to find out whether locals thought Cameron would make a good … Continue reading
A question regarding identity and equity
Can anyone think of circumstances where it would be fair for a publisher/contributor to issue any comment likely to effect someone’s reputation without staking their own* reputation on it? Also, should anyone expect to be taken seriously as a publisher … Continue reading
Iain Dale’s idea of self regulation
“I’d be interested in your views on this. In my view, self regulation works perfectly well. I someone makes a complaint to me about an abusive comment – or something I have writen which they believe is incorrect or offensive … Continue reading
Hypersensitive links
The first incarnation of the Sun-Watch project is coming along nicely and will rumble into action shortly. Right now, I’m quietly going from invite to invite and making sure that each of our editors is happy in their work. While … Continue reading
Iain Dale’s (biased) 2008-9 Guide to Political Blogging in the UK
As usual, I won’t be taking part in this charade (or anything else this old fraud is behind). But this year, it looks like I’ll have some company: Bob Piper – Why I won’t be voting in Iain Dale’s poll … Continue reading
Proof that my kids are more mature than some ‘leading’ bloggers
From the end-of-term report for a 10-year-old I’m very proud of:
An open letter to Phil Hendren (aka ‘Dizzy’ of ‘Dizzy Thinks’)
Dear Mr Hendren, You appear to require some specific instruction and detailed clarification on this matter, so please bear with me: Introduction I do not wish you to call me at home; this is why I have never provided you … Continue reading
“I’m not a ‘victim of injustice’ as far as I’m concerned this is just a flame war.” – Phil Hendren Hendren doesn’t need an apology, Hendren doesn’t deserve an apology, and the only reason Hendren wants an apology is so … Continue reading
1. It was a mistake not to consider John Hirst as a suspect in the Ironed Sardine matter, especially when there’s an obvious reason why he may not have been aware of many of the things that were so wrong … Continue reading
On the subject of Nadine Dorries and some recent deletions
Well, it looks like Phil Hendren isn’t the only retro-moderating right-wing blogger on the loose today; Nadine Dorries is busily rearranging her website to avoid the consequences of a complaint she was laughing off just a few short days ago. … Continue reading