Category Archives: The Political Weblog Movement
Now that’s just taking the piss
Iain Dale once made it very clear to me that he had no intention of blogging an item about a Conservative calling their political opponent a paedophile, and this matter has come up in recent days. Iain is certainly aware … Continue reading
Shortest. Iain. Dale. Post. Ever.
Follow the exchange from here and make up your own minds. To my mind, I don’t need to mention anything beyond Iain’s rather sudden and convenient memory loss.
Fisking Iain Dale
Here, Garry raises a very good point: Ah, the famous ban. It’s not consistent though, is it? Tim Ireland wasn’t banned the other day. The conversation between the two of you was deleted only after you’d had second thoughts about … Continue reading
Iain Dale: define ‘petty’
Iain Dale removed Bloggerheads and Chicken Yoghurt from his blogroll on the evening of the 18th of October. The reason? Some comments (since deleted) from me and this single comment from Justin. He is a sensitive flower, isn’t he?
Iain Dale takes me on and then thinks better of it
The following exchange was published under this post on Iain Dale’s website this morning and then deleted in its entirety within the past hour. Comment moderation has been switched back on, as it usually is when Iain would rather avoid … Continue reading
Two quickies
Shhh! I’m busy writing (as opposed to recycling stealing other people’s ideas and begging my readers to do most of the remaining work for me). I have two quick items for you: Garry Smith has a new home. The Society … Continue reading
Iain Dale: why his blog cannot be safely ignored
Yesterday, Iain Dale posted an image mocking the recent queue-jumping antics of MPs. The image had, originally, been posted by Kerron Cross. Iain gave no indication of this. [Note – Recess Monkey also used the image without initially crediting Kerron … Continue reading
Fasthosts: I think I may be onto something here…
I was all revved up to do a charming, well-meaning post about the people at Fasthosts being in need of a pint this afternoon, so I checked out Google Maps to see where the nearest pub might be. I did … Continue reading
Yet another reason to avoid Fasthosts like the plague
Via Dave Cross: The Register – Fasthosts customer? Change your password now: Fasthosts, “the UK’s number 1 web host”, has fired off emergency emails telling customers to change all their passwords after police were called in to investigate a major … Continue reading
Fasthosts and UKreg: why you should look elsewhere
[Note – UKreg is part of the Fasthosts Internet group, which in turn is a subsidiary of United Internet AG.] If Fasthosts were a human being, I would have them rushed to the nearest hospital for observation; they appear to … Continue reading