Category Archives: UK General Election 2005

Hello Labour Party peeps!

“One more chance” says wife-beater Blair. Heh. I suspect this may be an ugly metaphor. There is no suggestion that Tony actually beats Cherie. Making such a claim would be more than a little bit silly. I’ve yet to process … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 5 Comments

Write to your MP and an MP website report – the new and improved version of FaxYourMP – is now in beta release. Go and enjoy. You may also be interested in the release of ‘From Weird to Wired’: MPs, the Internet and Representative Politics in the UK. … Continue reading

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Backing Blair – first DoS attack?

The Backing Blair site has been down for the last 30 minutes following a complaint to our providers. We’re just now trying to find out more about the nature of the complaint, but it’s unlikely to be legitimate. Here’s a … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 15 Comments

The Valentines Day massager

OK, we’re officially in campaign season. The starting gun won’t be fired until early April, but Labour’s launch of their vacuous pledges and Blair’s helicopter dash make it clear that the race has already begun. There have been a number … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 4 Comments

Man to marry horse: film at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11

Glorious front page on the Independent today. Here’s a round-up. How brave of Tony to appear on the hard-hitting show Richard and Judy. How pleasant that Bush tried to suppress the pre-9/11 report into al-Qaeda. Ooh, look… nukes! Oh, did … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs, The War on Stupid, UK General Election 2005 | 5 Comments

Backing Blair launches

We’re good to go: Backing Blair Take a few moments to enjoy our first campaign ad and then come back here when you’re ready. (waits) OK. Initially, I want 3 things from you. It’s up to you how much you … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 14 Comments

Backing Blair should launch tomorrow

Here’s a quick link-dump to keep you busy:,9061,1408779,00.html,3605,1408622,00.html

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 1 Comment

Tick tick tick

Good meeting. Nice peeps. Good ideas. Later today we’ll be giving the campaign site a final going over. Possible launch tonight. That is all. PS – Ok, so maybe not all… Telegraph – Alastair Campbell is back and this time … Continue reading

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Watching and waiting

I’ve suggested previously that bloggers and proxy-bloggers note/scan and publish any questionable campaign material. Now we have a big gun on the case, too. BBC – Election 2005: Below the radar: In the run-up to this year’s General Election, Newsnight’s … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

Alastair Campbell swaggers back into view

Independent – Official: Campbell back on party payroll to head Blair’s ‘dirty tricks’ unit: Although Labour has admitted previously that Mr Campbell was acting as a “consultant”, his appointment to a full-time titled position is revealed for the first time … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments