Category Archives: UK General Election 2005

Some last-minute bits and pieces

See constituencies in their estimated declaration time order. Enter our competition and win by using The Forbidden Word. Read and share this. Appreciate the joy of serendipity. (More here.) Marvel at the ingenuity. Laugh at Rodney Hylton-Potts (1, 2) and … Continue reading

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Respect the cock

UPDATE (10 Jan 2006): Click here for the ‘give respect, get respect’ campaign. 1. Michael Howard is due to patrol Guildford High St from 10:30am this morning. If you’re in the area, I have a small favour to ask. 2. … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs, Tony 'King Blair, UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

The forbidden word

Go, CuriousHamster, go! Just because it’s in the news doesn’t mean we can afford to relax. Use the forbidden word to win cash and prizes! Last video from BB headed your way soon. Cheers all.

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Jack Straw: duck, dive and jive

Get down and get funky! Get some background. Show Straw the door.

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Lies and fear

Nick Barlow – Tony Blair: Liar Independent – Vote for Lib Dems will not let in Tories: Labour’s attempts to warn its wavering supporters that a vote for the Liberal Democrats could allow Michael Howard into No. 10 “by the … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 3 Comments

I’m busy!

You should be too. Please do this. Then see what is being hidden from you. And, when you’re done with that, please do some of this. Busy as I am, I managed to egg myself silly this afternoon (see pic). … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 1 Comment

Two plus “Who?” equals five

Brian Sedgemore: ‘I urge everyone to give Blair a bloody nose at the election’ Nick Barlow – Crossing the floor Chicken Yoghurt – Sedgemore: Twenty-two Years of Solicitude: So there you go – 22 years of looking after constituents. Granted, … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments


Well done, Curious Hamster! This one word, scrawled into the beach with a size-11 boot, will probably have had three stages of life: 1) Where people watched the scrawling 2) Where people saw the word 3) Where people saw someone … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 3 Comments

‘Nothing new’…

Liberal Democrats Call For Full Public Inquiry Into Iraq War (i.e. the kind of inquiry Jack Straw seemed to suggest had happened four times over but has yet to take place). Independent – A government at bay over Iraq war … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 1 Comment

Are the postal ballots already in, then?

Dawn Butler, the freshly parachuted Labour candidate for Brent South, is getting a bit ahead of herself. UPDATE – The offending page has been removed. Good thing Guido got a screengrab, then.

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