Category Archives: UK General Election 2005

Money! Money! Money!

Weekends are a great time to get off your arse and do something… and we only have two weekends before the election. Think of something to do and *do* it. This weekend. Let’s get Iraq on the agenda.

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 1 Comment

Could someone please clear the table?

I’d like to begin – if I may – by taking you back a month or so, when Blair likened his relationship with voters to a troubled marriage. Now, there are several variations of this very old and rather pessimistic … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, Tony 'King Blair, UK General Election 2005 | 3 Comments

500 squid in cash and prizes up for grabs!

And all you have to do is use one little word. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS. I want to see some serious Effort and Bloggage on this, folks. Go. Do. Show. Also, we’ve had Phase 2 of the Backing Blair posters … Continue reading

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Make with the Google-juice

Folks, I need as many people as possible to starting pointing Google in the direction of If you already link to the address, please update your links. Cheers.

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 7 Comments

Anne Milton madness

A busy day for me tomorrow, but there’s some new stuff over at the Anne Milton weblog to tide you over.

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Tactical Voting: Backing Blair (updated advice)

Take a look at the changes we’ve made and why. SEE ALSO – Times – Shhh! It’s the Basil Fawlty election: We mocked the recent US elections but at least they enjoyed a debate centred on the single most important … Continue reading

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The Sun rips off Rock The Vote II

The Scum – If you care… VOTE: Music stars were out in force yesterday to back The Sun’s Rock The Vote campaign. Coldplay’s Chris Martin, 28, said our move to get young people to have their say in the General … Continue reading

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Sedgefield ahoy!

Guardian – Sedgefield aide turns against Blair: An anti-war candidate standing against Tony Blair in Sedgefield won the backing of a senior Labour official in the prime minister’s constituency today. Dave Cattell, a Labour member for 30 years and a … Continue reading

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Liars, damn liars, and their statistics

ITV – Opinion polls put Labour in front Guardian – Opinion polls suggest Labour lead Bloomberg – Blair Leads Conservatives in Five Out of Five Polls Now, a few interesting nuggets for you… Independent – Revealed: Blair deal to hand … Continue reading

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Rock The Vote UK (proprietor: Rupert Murdoch)

The Scum – Rock The Vote UK: In January the world watched in awe as eight million Iraqis braved terrorist slaughter to take part in the country’s first general election for a lifetime. In some parts of the ravaged country, … Continue reading

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