Category Archives: UK General Election 2005

Teh Dome

Lots to do before I even *think* about blogging tomorrow. I hope that this will tide you over: I also hope that by this time next week you will be equally busy. Life sucks when you reach the far side … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

Know your enema

Guido has his first (belated) crack at Who’s Who at Labour HQ. PS – It’s all trucks and meetings for me tomorrow. I hope to return to you bright and breezy on Wednesday morn.

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 1 Comment

Murdoch: what’s he up to?

And just what the hell is Murdoch playing at? Is he hedging his bets, or is he trying to bitch-slap Blair (as he has in the past) to adopt some of his favourite policies? I suspect the latter given this … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, UK General Election 2005 | 5 Comments

Your chance to show the world what Britain is made of

Just a quick comment that I’d like to share with you… Independent – Scott Ritter: Don’t let the warmonger off the hook: The American people have already shown themselves to be culpable in legitimising this tragedy by re-electing George Bush, … Continue reading

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Backing Blair – first truck on the street Tuesday April 5

The Backing Blair truck will be on London’s streets Tuesday April 5!!!! Thank you to everybody who made donations that made this possible. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! **************************************** URGENT: We’re OK for still photography, but we’re *still* looking … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

ODP gearing up for action

There’s a brand new category over at the Open Directory Project specifically for the upcoming general election in the UK. If you have a relevant site, you may wish to submit it.

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Teh Fear

Guardian – Attacks on Tory politics of fear: Michael Howard’s latest attempt to use fear of crime as an election weapon against Labour rebounded badly last night when senior police chiefs condemned a Conservative campaign advertisement on crime for its … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | Comments Off on Teh Fear

The careful application of pressure stems bleeding

A heads-up via… Independent – Labour MPs to fight on anti-war ticket: Labour MPs who opposed the Iraq war are to defy Tony Blair by making it a key “issue of trust” at the general election expected on 5 … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

Well, that saves me a lot of time

I was going to a do a linkish round-up of all the Tory Fear articles and opinions, but Robin beat me to it: – Labour In. Blair Out. Well, all that leaves me to do is throw an extra … Continue reading

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Backing Blair – Video III now live

Video III isn’t ready yet. Well, the Video III that I describe here isn’t ready yet. This is: Backing Blair III – Political Debate (Flash – 1Mb – NSFW audio) If you’ve ever watched Blair and Howard bitch and snipe … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects, UK General Election 2005 | 1 Comment