Category Archives: Video
Big and hairy, big and scary
King Kong – the trailer! While you’re in a ‘big and hairy’ mood, Anna Nolan (you may remember her from BB1) has been doing a series of (ahem) interesting documentaries for BBC3 including this one on furries (it’s 40Mb; wide-pipers … Continue reading
Strange visitors from distant planets
Two glorious links from Film Rotation (both Quicktime, and pretty hefty): A tribute to Superman. Erm, make that Super*men*…. All the ‘best’ bits from the Star Wars Holiday Special.
The Amarillo Army video
Google cache of the page that started this whole mess. There’s another download link available here. 56Mb! FFS, they should be court-martialled for lack of compression alone. UPDATE – (20:00) Both links now dead. And at 56Mb, I’m not surpised. … Continue reading
“Pink Five standing by…”
To avoid disappointment, start here. You’ll groan most of the way through, but there are some laughs. Now, if you haven’t had the pleasure before, you’ll want to experience Pink 5 and Pink Five Strikes Back in order to prepare … Continue reading
Via the latest B3ta newsletter: America We Stand As One UPDATE – Ahahahahahahahaha! It gets betterer and betterer.
I miss Douglas
Amazon is hosting the new Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trailer. Enjoy.
Baby Got Bible
Oh. My. God. (12.6Mb WMV file) UPDATE – Ooh, look… here’s the site of the guy who made it (link via BoingBoing).
The VW Polo ‘suicide bomber’ viral/ad… well done, Dan Brooks and Lee Ford
Being an enemy of George W. Bush makes me a friend to terrorists everywhere, so of course I was greatly amused when I first saw the ‘suicide bomber’ ad that may or may not have been made for VW that … Continue reading
Make Love, Not Terror (killyourdogkillyourdogkillyourdog)
I have no idea what this promotional video for is trying to say. Even knowing that a keta is a small salmon of inferior value (which in the autumn runs up all the larger rivers between San Francisco and … Continue reading