Introducing a special Christmas treat for all Twitter users who are thoroughly fed up with Tory corruption…
The Tory Corruption Christmas Karaoke Collection
Over 20 Christmas hits in one easy download! FREE!
Give your Tory MP the gift of music this Christmas by replying to their Christmas tweets with any one of these classic songs.
Use the download link below to transfer the latest collection of over 20 Twitter-ready karaoke clips to your hard drive. This offer expires on Boxing Day.
DOWNLOAD (Tory Corruption Christmas Karaoke Collection v 1.0, 22 x MP4 files, total download size 1.46Gb)
(If you would like to see how we arrived at this point, read on below for the original plan, ruined by Omicron.)
DECEMBER UPDATE – I was prepared to put my faith in largely autonomous events when the COVID risk was low, but I can’t in good conscience direct people to gather and sing in groups when the risk is elevated, as it is now with the Omicron variant. There are too many ways for it to go horribly wrong. That’s the bad news. The good news is I am still working options and still writing songs, and you are invited to enjoy and share these. I will be leaving the original text in place as reference only for now. Cheers, all.
My name is Tim Ireland. I’m a Scout Leader, and a web publisher, and a former webmaster to Boris Johnson. No, really. Yes, I’m sorry.
Tories hate on me because I’m honest, and I know how to connect people.
So I’m going to connect people in a way that Tories will hate even more… and I’m going to KEEP doing it until they stop hating on me and others, to be frank with you.
The least they can do is give us a break at Christmas.
Date(s) to be announced, but the plan is to have people sing special carols outside the constituency office of their nearest Tory MP; ideally, midday Saturday(s) in December, but we’ll see.
We’re going to be well-dressed and SUPER-POLITE and CONSIDERATE when we turn up outside the constituency office of Tory MPs with our song sheets (and please wear a Santa hat so we know you’re with the choir!).
We are going to sing our carols and vent and share our feelings together, in our very strongest voices, and using our very best manners… and then we will all go home safe in the knowledge that we are not alone.
And if it’s as fun as I think it will be, I expect we will do it all again almost immediately the very next week. And so on. Christmas won’t be the end. I’ve got a whole plan called ‘Operation Jericho’ and it is all about using joy and music to lovebomb corruption and free us from a tyranny of lies.
All information will be published here for people who wish to download a song sheet, attend a local ‘service’ and stay happy and safe every step of the way.
You will probably also want to follow me on Twitter.
Please SHARE our teaser video on Twitter and YouTube. More karaoke-style videos are available here on YouTube; you can use these to share and rehearse the MANY special and well-informed toxic-to-Tories Christmas carols I’ve prepared (and if you’d like to see some of my other lyrics, I have a little selection of fun karaoke specials right here).
I can assure you that NONE of these events are approved by the Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries. In fact, if Boris Johnson sacks the Culture Secretary today and agrees to have police look into her shocking conduct towards other MPs, her constituents, and pretty much anyone who gets in her way, I may even call the whole thing off… if people will let me.
On that note, below is the main reason why I am doing this (though I expect you will have your own reasons, and the fact that the Tories hate on so many of us in so many different ways is rather the point, really).
Songbook and details are coming REALLY soon. I’m dotting Is and crossing Ts, which is important when I’m putting my name to something.
I’m going to come right out and say it: Scouting is one of the most important things in my life.
My mission to enlighten, educate and enable young people is CENTRAL to my existence.
And Nadine Dorries tried to take that away JUST because I called her a liar.#ToryBullying
— Tim Ireland
(@bloggerheads) November 19, 2021
Journalists: Don’t come knocking unless you’re prepared to get rocking.