
Right, I’ve just run out of patience with Forsaken (in Taunton), the Christian, pro-life organisation cited by Nadine Dorries in the House of Commons as if they were an established ‘pro-women’ charity (more).

Dorries accused me of harassing the good people at Forsaken after I dared to ask them about their status as a charity and how long they had been running (key passage in bold):

Tim Ireland, you have been warned.

(Posted Thursday, 4 November 2010 at 16:40)

Following my debate the other evening to introduce informed consent and the subsequent final statement from the Minister which was;

Having in place informed consent, appropriate counselling and the right support for women at this vulnerable time will ensure that we do not fail them for the future.

The sharks are already circling.

The purpose of the debate was to keep very firmly away from the ideological positions of pro-choice and pro-life. I made a point in the debate of stating that in the process of establishing informed consent, women should be given information which is, clear, accurate, void of political ideology and provides options underpinned by a network of support. I stated that both pro-choice and pro-life campaigners should have input and be in agreement. My debate was pro-women.

I very clearly state that one of those options should be adoption and how that can be achieved and how women can be supported through. I make no apology for this. There are many fantastic people who have been through the adoption process, who would have been aborted had their birth mother been pregnant today.

I mentioned in the speech the charity ‘Forsaken’. I didn’t say registered charity. I would imagine it is too new to have reached those dizzy heights. It is a pro- women charity, not pro-choice or pro-life.

Already, Forsaken have had the infamous Bloggerheads, Tim Ireland, on the phone this morning. Probing, asking questions about their status, amking the usual inappropriate comments etc. Usual Tim Ireland, agressive ‘I have a right to know all about you’ style.

I am an elected member Tim. You harass me on an almost daily basis, including my staff and my Chairman. I am expected, even though you aren’t one of my constituents, to take it. I am expected to tolerate your inappropriate level of intense attention, as were the MPs you harassed before me.

Members of the public are not.

If you put into place your usual method of operation of continuous telephone calls, blogging, blitz emailing thousands of ranting words etc to people going about their daily business, I am sure the Police may take a strong view.

You have been warned. I will not tolerate anyone else being subjected to your intense, inappropriate, abusive behaviour, simply because they have some, even the most distant, association to me.

Especially good people, who are simply trying to help others.

(Psst! For those who are new to all of this, I deny stalking anyone, and Dorries is having a LOT of difficulty coming up with ANY evidence to support her case.)

I have dared to ask Forsaken a series of further questions about these accusations, knowing that every email I send risks playing into Dorries’ hands (it’s an old trick Dorries has used before; accuse someone of stalking, and when they contact you to object – bingo! – there’s your evidence).

Forsaken have replied to a limited extent, but have not given me permission to quote them or publish the relevant correspondence in its entirety.

So, instead of any formal statement from Forsaken about what really happened, here are the two email messages I sent them before Nadine’s accusatory outburst:

On 03 November 2010 at 15:26 [AT] wrote:

]  Hi,
] You just received a message via the contact form of your website.
] The message was sent from
] You can change the e-mail address form messages are sent to. Just log in
] to your website, click on the form and change the e-mail address in the
] text box “Send message to the following e-mail address”.
] Your message:
] ————————————-
] Name: Tim Ireland
] E_mail: [AT]
] Phone:
] Question: Nadine Dorries described you in the House of Commons as a
] charity. You are not registered with the Charity Commission. Was Dorries
] mistaken, perhaps? Would be grateful if you could clear this up for me.
] Cheers.

[reply from Forsaken, basically saying they were under the turnover threshold that would require them to register]

from Tim Ireland
to “info [AT]”
date Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 8:24 AM
subject Re: Message via

Nadine Dorries spoke of you in the House of Commons as if you were an established institution. How long have you been operating? Is this your first financial year?


Does it match the description Dorries gives of the exchange and/or what she portrays as the style of my email correspondence? No.

(Psst! It does include the type of unforgivable behaviour that Nadine’s mate Iain Dale cites when he defends junking my correspondence instead of reading it; I dared to ask what he would describe as a ‘barrage’ of questions in response to an initial answer. In the case of Dale and Dorries, the initial answer is usually a lie, or at least incomplete/misleading. That’s why they get upset when you ask further questions; it is not about harassment, it’s about someone threatening their precious house of cards. It is in this deceit that they graduate from ‘liar’ to ‘lying scoundrel’.)

Further, Forsaken have confirmed that NO PHONE CALLS were made to their office by me, so where Dorries gets this from is anybody’s guess. Perhaps she’s making it up. Perhaps someone gave her false information. Perhaps she has a very active imagination. (Do note the trouble I am going to here to not make assumptions when operating with limited evidence.)

As for whether I had good cause to suspect Forsaken (and/or those championing them) of being less-than-accurate about their status as a charity, I present to you a partial scan of Page 2 of their book that arrived the other day:


Here I will remind you that Forsaken are at a stage where they are (in their words) “making contingency plans for completing the registration process”.

If the erased word before ‘charity’ is ‘registered’, I think that warrants some serious questions about when this book was printed, and how many copies went out without this clumsy, white-out correction that so neatly sums up their two-bit operation.

Why don’t you try asking them about that? I’ve had it with Forsaken; their charitable instincts appear restricted to those who support their clouded agenda, and I shan’t be bothering with any further correspondence.

Similarly, I’ll be passing on my copy of their self-published book of five anecdotes for someone else to review.

If Forsaken can’t be bothered to give me the time of day when I’m falsely accused of harassing them and they know how further attempts to contact them will be portrayed (see also: Nadine’s fellow Conservative MPs Anne Milton and Patrick Mercer), then I really don’t think I can read their publication with any of the objectivity I promised.

Related (earlier) post: Nadine Dorries: the fiction saga continues

NOTE – I really shouldn’t have to publish my correspondence like this; by law, it is up to Dorries to back what she claims with evidence, but the relevant law supports the rich and the powerful, and I’m just some poor shmo who dared to confront an MP who appears to be a congenital liar. One of Nadine’s more virulent supporters (using the nickname ‘Tom Paine’ while using falsified email and IP address details) helpfully suggests that I give everyone blanket permission to publish every scrap of correspondence I ever sent them. While taking the position that I subject an elected representative to undue scrutiny, he (or she) demands that I subject myself to an absurd level of scrutiny. I don’t think I’m wrong to suspect that these messages come from someone who is far closer to Nadine Dorries than they would care to admit.

UPDATE – The following is for the Anglican priest who initially challenged me to publish this correspondence, then ignored that component before issuing this stream of drivel, presenting an entirely new (and equally unfair) challenge:

Peter Ould

For those in any doubt, even those who do not know the difference between an absolute statement and a valid question, I present a scan of the page with the white-out scraped off:

Forsaken are not a registered charity

The question remains; how many copies of the book went out without this correction? Meanwhile, it is entirely acceptable to ask (as I did); did Forsaken try to pass themselves off as a registered charity?

UPDATE – Meanwhile, further ‘evidence’ bandied about by Dorries in support of her position gets royally fisked here:

Ministry of Truth – Dorries’ Abortion Risk ‘Plethora’

UPDATE (19 Nov) – A review of the contents of the book by Cath Elliott:

Cath Elliott – But then I found Jesus. The end.

In the introduction the mystery unnamed editors tell us:

“This book is about the reality of post abortion. The women who suffer in this way tend to feel forsaken, unable to express what they are suffering.“

and the book then continues with the tragic heart-breaking true-life stories of women who’ve had abortions, and who’ve gone on to regret it, but who’ve all then managed to finally find peace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.


So basically, in a nutshell, the stories in this book/pamphlet/anti-abortion-religious-tract boil down to: ‘I was young. I didn’t know what I was doing. I had an abortion. I lived to regret it. But then I found Jesus. The end.’

And this from Richard Bartholomew:

Richard Bartholomew – Some Notes on Forsaken Book Promoted by Nadine Dorries MP

… the charity has published a book, also called Forsaken, which was referenced by Nadine Dorries in a recent Parliamentary debate:

…I shall finish by mentioning a book which is to be launched this month. It is published by the charity Forsaken, which is neither pro-life nor pro-choice: it is pro-women. For two years, the charity has put together the stories of women suffering from post-abortion syndrome. Reading the book is so heart-wrenching that we just want to reach out and take their pain away, but we cannot. There is no going back. We cannot make it better; abortion is a procedure to end life-it is final.

Having seen the book, there is no way that it can be described as ”neither pro-life nor pro-choice” – it is blatantly anti-abortion, with two very obvious aims: (a) to make women contemplating abortion feel that they shouldn’t do it; and (b) to persuade women who have had abortions to convert to Christianity…

… The book ends with some short Appendices, outlining “Post Abortion Syndrome” and supposed risks to physical health, and giving the contact details for Alternatives, a counselling service linked to the same church as Forsaken (the Living Light Christian Church, a local moderate Charismatic church).

I think it’s fair to say that Dorries has misled the House about more than Forsaken’s status as an established charity.

Posted in Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments (7)

Stalking: what if Nadine Dorries can’t even prove she ever made a complaint?

Let me start by explaining the context of Nadine Dorries’ claims about stalking while (*gasp*) backing my position with evidence:

Nadine Dorries made significant expenses claims on the basis that a property within her constituency was her second home, but the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards was aware of entries on Nadine’s blog that gave the impression this constituency property was her main home.

To explain this discrepancy, Nadine Dorries told the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards that the published accounts from her blog, including those portraying her main home as being in the constituency, were “70% fiction”. She explained the political thinking behind this decision quite clearly (more):

I often posted comments on my blog relating to [name of town] in my constituency. Since I first rented in the constituency, I made a song and dance about being at the property. I have mentioned it on my blog a number of times. This was done to comfort my Association. The previous MP only visited the constituency occasionally—sometimes only as often as once every six weeks—and they were keen that I reversed that impression. His lack of time in the constituency contributed to his de-selection. – Letter to the Commissioner from Ms Nadine Dorries MP, 25 January 2010

Nadine Dorries put it to the Commissioner that she sought to ‘reassure’ her association and her constituents by only appearing to live inside the constituency. This was duly accepted by the Commissioner and included in the report.

The outcry that followed the publication of her “%70 fiction” claim took Nadine Dorries entirely by surprise. After saying that she really meant ‘30% fiction’ all along, she then went on to say that everything she published was entirely true, and only minor dates and place names had been changed, on the specific advice of police (more). The relevant report does not show any mention of this to the Commissioner at any time during the 15 month investigation.

Dorries further claimed that this advice was given by police in response to their awareness of a stalking threat against her, and named me as the main threat (if not the only reason why this alleged advice was issued).

This is a claim that Nadine Dorries has been spreading via her not-a-blog and Twitter account, and I have good reason to believe she has also transmitted this claim and variations of it to several media outlets (though none have run with the detail naming me; even her blogging friends Iain Dale and Paul Staines refuse the carry the weight of her claims, and normally they’ll print any old thing that makes Teh Left look bad).

To support her claim that she was advised by police to publish misleading accounts about time spent in her constituency because of a potential threat to her person from me, Nadine Dorries continues to maintain that I stalk her, and that I have stalked other MPs before her.

I will deal with the latter charge first:

Nadine Dorries claimed quite specifically that I had in the past harassed Conservative MP Anne Milton to the point that police had to get involved*. She also claims that I similarly stalked Conservative MP Patrick Mercer. I know that Dorries cannot possibly substantiate her claim, because I have NEVER been approached by police about anything like this, and it is standard protocol for police to contact any named person who is accused/suspected of this kind of behaviour.

It should also be pointed out that Anne Milton and Patrick Mercer are right now, rather than stepping forward to verify Dorries’ account, doing all they can to avoid comment.

And I really shouldn’t have to do this, as the onus is on Dorries to support what she claims with evidence, but unlike many people, I can readily prove that I have a clean record.

Surprise #1: I went through a CRB check last year**:

CRB check

Of course, if we’re to allow all possibilities and maybe even engage our imaginations to some small extent, there remains a period after CRB clearance where fresh complaints may have been filed against me (i.e. where I have suddenly turned to evil deeds leading to complaints, investigations or even prosecutions). So while this document contradicts any claim or implication that I am known to police for having stalked or otherwise criminally harassed Anne Milton or Patrick Mercer or anyone else prior to mid-2009, I may have been at it hammer and tongs since then.

Nadine Dorries does claim to have made numerous complaints to police about me, and while she has been avoiding mention of specific events/dates throughout, we do know that she claimed to have forwarded emails from me to the London Metropolitan Police on or about if not before 17 February 2010 (her exact words; “have fwd all emails etc to the Met Police who are reviewing with the harassment unit”).

Again, I shouldn’t have to do this, as the onus is on Nadine Dorries to produce the relevant evidence such as log/incident reference numbers (issued when a complaint is made) and/or the relevant crime reference numbers (issued when an investigation begins), but…

Surprise #2: I have already done a subject access request and it brought back NO record of ANY complaint about me being filed with ANYONE in the London Metropolitan Police***:

subject access met

Surprise #3: I got a similar result when checking the Police National Computer:

subject access national

It is clear that Nadine Dorries cannot produce a crime reference number to back up her claim that I was under investigation by police for stalking/harassing her. She shouldn’t be asking for what she already has, and it’s been two weeks since she promised this data that most people can get inside of an hour:


Because this MP appears to think that she should be discussing her allegations of minor crime directly with the local Chief Constable, it does not take a great stretch of the imagination to picture Nadine Dorries making a complaint and being so impossibly self-important as to assume an investigation, so for a long time, to my mind there remained the possibility that Nadine Dorries was merely very confused about what had gone on and perhaps even genuinely frightened by some of the action(s) she attributed to me.


While my more recent subject access request to Bedfordshire Police may yet reveal a note from the log book of the officer who attended when Dorries called police to the Flitwick hustings (more), apart from this event (i.e. the event at which she claimed a police investigation was already in progress), I suspect Dorries cannot produce any evidence that she ever made any kind of complaint about me, when she claims to have multiple complaints.

There is a police force contracted to the House of Commons, but every officer is an officer of London Metropolitan Police, their job focuses on the entire community using the House (i.e. including the public, it is NOT a private police force for MPs, as Dorries seems to think), and I have confirmed that while they pass on serious complaints to plain-clothed officers they themselves issue log/incident numbers on the spot when a serious complaint (e.g. of harassment/stalking) is made through them.

– Can Nadine Dorries produce any log/incident numbers that will establish the date and nature of any complaint made though any police officer stationed in the House of Commons?

– Can Nadine Dorries produce any log/incident numbers that will establish the date and nature of any complaint made to any officer/department/station within London Metropolitan Police?

– Can Nadine Dorries produce any log/incident numbers that will establish the date and nature of any complaint made to Bedfordshire Police?

There is no sign of anyone anywhere in the police system raising concerns about my being a threat to Nadine Dorries or anyone else. Where does this claim of hers come from, where police have been so concerned about what I might do to her that they advise her as early as May 2009 if not earlier to make misleading statements on her blog for her own safety?

If Dorries cannot even prove that she made a complaint, what can this be other than the crudest of inventions?

Before you attempt any answer to that question, let’s also consider that when she was telling this same sob story back in May 2010, she claimed that it was this same police advice coupled with the stabbing of Stephen Timms that finally convinced her to close her blog and Twitter account down, but it was later established that she closed her blog and Twitter account down a week before that event (more).

What can this be other than a deliberate attempt to invent false detail designed to associate me with violent crime?

Dorries also made claims of “explicit” emails/messages from me that she refuses to produce (even under the Data Protection Act) and more recently made claims about “inappropriate comments” in “aggressive” phone calls where no phone calls were made (more).

In the latter instance, she dragged a small interest-group into her fictions and made entirely false claims on their behalf.

Previously, I’ve held on to the hope that Nadine Dorries was so hilariously self-important that she made some complaint(s), then filled in the blanks with occasional bouts of hysteria and delusion.

Increasingly, I’ve become concerned that she may have lied about quite nearly every bit of it, deliberately attempting to portray me as a violent criminal for no other reason than to scare critics off and have me serve as an alibi for her lies and corruption.

What Nadine Dorries published on her blog as fact then later described as “fiction” was designed, by her own account, to “reassure” her constituents by giving a false impression that she lived primarily at the constituency property. There would be no call for this as a pattern of deceit even if security were an issue, but there is NO evidence to support the idea that it ever was. Further, most of the blog entries that are problematic for Dorries were written before I ever met her or even became dimly aware of her. She claims the police advised her to lie on these occasions to specifically protect herself from my attention!

The (presently) linear nature of time itself conspires against her, she made no mention of any of this to the Commissioner, there is no evidence of police ever being concerned about me as risk to anyone, and – most damaging of all – Dorries appears to be unable to establish that she ever made a complaint.

At some stage Nadine Dorries may have spoken to a Crime Prevention Officer in Mid Bedfordshire or the House of Commons, and that person is likely to have given her generic advice about avoiding unwanted attention online, but this would be a long way from what Dorries described.

On what basis does she claim that police regard me to be a danger to her and other MPs?

Why does she persist in this deceit, even when police have (by now) advised her that she hasn’t provided anything worthy of investigation? If she’s not careful, it will begin to look like he is trying to mobilise the anti-social elements that have been publishing my home address alongside the dangerous accusations that I stalk women and send death threats to MPs.

(Psst! If you’re new here, I should explain that I’ve been the subject of a genuine campaign of harassment and Nadine Dorries is now dangerously close to looking like a willing party to harassment while claiming to be a victim of it.)

It is an irresponsible, dangerous and selfish fiction that Dorries engages in when she make claims in the name of police about my being a danger to her or anyone else.

The official Conservative Party position is that it is a matter between me and Dorries, and it is probably going to stay that way for as long as they can keep it down to a dull roar. Meanwhile, I am expected to take civil action to combat an MP telling what I can prove to be a lie about a police investigation that never took place. That alone is a disgrace. Dorries didn’t lie about a church social; she lied about a criminal investigation… and she’s a bloody lawmaker!

And if she cannot produce the log/incident numbers she should already have to hand, it is going to start looking like she invented the whole damn thing.

See also: Exposing Nadine Dorries and the little gang of Conservatives who cried ‘stalker’ (get coffee!)

(*Police did in 2006 have cause to interview a Conservative activist working very closely with Anne Milton. His name; Mike Chambers. Milton has so far refused to comment on the internal investigation that Chambers claims took place before Milton and the Conservatives went on to endorse him as a candidate for local council.)

(**I had this CRB check done so I could work with children. That may be news to you. It’s something I’d love to be able to blog about, if it weren’t for the ongoing genuine harassment situation that I have to deal with. If you recall it involved a concerted attempt to portray me as a convicted paedophile, then you might begin to understand the extent to which it has disrupted my life. I won’t pretend I’m acting purely on police advice, but I am running a blog that is 70% silence at the moment. Meanwhile, I am accused of ‘obsessing’ over Dorries and associated issues because often the only thing I can blog about is the slow progress in the battle against the lies and distortions of hers that contribute so much to an ongoing campaign of harassment against me.)

(***It is possible that a complaint about me overlaps/overlapped with an ongoing investigation into a mysterious other party in a matter so serious it warrants suspending the usual protocols for dealing with claims of harassment. But this is about as likely as a 21-week-old foetus punching its way out of an incision in the uterus.)

(MINI-UPDATE – I again typed “75% fiction” instead of the correct figure of “70% fiction”. Post corrected accordingly. ‘Mid Bedfordshire Police’ has similarly been corrected to ‘Bedfordshire Police’ where appropriate; Bedfordshire Police police Mid Bedfordshire. And FlitWick.)

(MINI-UPDATE – ‘Tom Paine’ or whoever you are, the email address you submit with your comments is not genuine. I have no way to reach you if I wish to discuss the body of your comment. It’s a requirement I have for any substantial comment.)

Posted in Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments (10)

Bonfire Camera III – 3 cameras above the fire

Guy Fawkes Night Bonfire Camera III (2010) – 3 cameras above the fire

After a last year’s failure to get off the ground using helium, this year I sought to get above the fire using a (10 metre high) Clark PU 10 Telescopic Mast roughly 40m away from the fire. Footage from all three cameras was then sped up digitally and set to Mercury, the Winged Messenger (The Planets, Op. 32) by Gustav Holst.

It’s very pretty, if not as dramatic as Year One (more).

Posted in Video | Comments (2)

Nadine Dorries: the fiction saga continues

Nadine Dorries published an extraordinary attack on me on her not-really-a-blog last night, and followed this up by ignoring all criticism of it on Twitter (branding it “hate tweets from lefties and the odd misogynist on the right.”) and only thanking the two people who supported her attempt to (again) divert attention away from her lies with further lies.

She's so brave

Because Dorries is prone to making unmarked changes to her published outbursts, I include the full, original text below and counter it with the simple and confident statement that more than 70% of it is fiction (that which is not a gross distortion of the truth is a lie):

Tim Ireland, you have been warned.

Posted Thursday, 4 November 2010 at 16:40

Following my debate the other evening to introduce informed consent and the subsequent final statement from the Minister which was;

Having in place informed consent, appropriate counselling and the right support for women at this vulnerable time will ensure that we do not fail them for the future.

The sharks are already circling.

The purpose of the debate was to keep very firmly away from the ideological positions of pro-choice and pro-life. I made a point in the debate of stating that in the process of establishing informed consent, women should be given information which is, clear, accurate, void of political ideology and provides options underpinned by a network of support. I stated that both pro-choice and pro-life campaigners should have input and be in agreement. My debate was pro-women.

I very clearly state that one of those options should be adoption and how that can be achieved and how women can be supported through. I make no apology for this. There are many fantastic people who have been through the adoption process, who would have been aborted had their birth mother been pregnant today.

I mentioned in the speech the charity ‘Forsaken’. I didn’t say registered charity. I would imagine it is too new to have reached those dizzy heights. It is a pro- women charity, not pro-choice or pro-life.

Already, Forsaken have had the infamous Bloggerheads, Tim Ireland, on the phone this morning. Probing, asking questions about their status, amking the usual inappropriate comments etc. Usual Tim Ireland, agressive ‘I have a right to know all about you’ style.

I am an elected member Tim. You harass me on an almost daily basis, including my staff and my Chairman. I am expected, even though you aren’t one of my constituents, to take it. I am expected to tolerate your inappropriate level of intense attention, as were the MPs you harassed before me.

Members of the public are not.

If you put into place your usual method of operation of continuous telephone calls, blogging, blitz emailing thousands of ranting words etc to people going about their daily business, I am sure the Police may take a strong view.

You have been warned. I will not tolerate anyone else being subjected to your intense, inappropriate, abusive behaviour, simply because they have some, even the most distant, association to me.

Especially good people, who are simply trying to help others.

When speaking to the House about abortion on Tuesday (transcript), Dorries gave the impression that Forsaken was an established and sizeable charity, but their ‘About Us’ page tells an entirely different story:


I contacted Forsaken (by email only) to make enquiries about their status as a charity, and included a follow up question about how long they’d been operating under the income threshold that stops them from having to register as one. I have now dared to send a third email asking them to confirm that I have not called them, and I will let you know if they get back to me.

In the meantime, here are two posts that look closer at some of the things that Nadine Dorries claimed in the House of Commons recently. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to find that not all of it adds up, and some of it appears to be a deliberate attempt to mislead the House:

Forsaken, Alternatives, and Living Light: Opposition to Abortion in Taunton

The rest is Dorries assuring us that police may take an interest in things I might do in the future, but there is one item of potential interest, and it is this:

I am an elected member Tim. You harass me on an almost daily basis, including my staff and my Chairman. I am expected, even though you aren’t one of my constituents, to take it. I am expected to tolerate your inappropriate level of intense attention, as were the MPs you harassed before me.

Last week, Nadine Dorries finally offered to produce crime reference numbers that would support her nonsensical claims about police investigations, but none have emerged, and she even appears to be making excuses about why can’t produce a single log/incident number that would at least verify that a complaint was made.

Let that sink in, because if Dorries cannot even produce evidence of her making a complaint to police, her claims that they went on to launch an investigation appear even more calculated, if not insidious.

Further, I suspect that “I am expected… to take it” is the nearest we’re going to get to an admission that it is only recently that Dorries has spoken to police about this, and that they have responded by telling her that she hasn’t got anything near a case. I suspect she may even have been advised by now that MPs are expected to subject themselves to a reasonable level of scrutiny and claims they make in the House may be legally fact-checked by members of the public who (*gasp*) aren’t even her constituents.

I expect this has come as a bit of a shock to the MP who thinks she should be reporting my perceived crimes directly though the local Chief Constable, thus the intensity of the outburst.

I have no statement to make about my intentions re: potential civil action at this time, but otherwise comments are open below and you can find me here on Twitter, answering questions and keeping up with the latest.

UPDATE – Links to related blog posts below:

Descent into madness?
Dorries, Again, Yes I know….
Nadine Dorries – Attack is Not Always The Best Form of Defence
Nadine Dorries Sends “Warning” to Tim Ireland over Charity Query

CRUCIAL UPDATE – Nadine Dorries has just linked approvingly to an article by Dominic Wightman attacking me and calling me a ‘stalker’. I’m not at liberty to spell it out at the moment, but the implications of this should be clear to anyone familiar with the wider situation (more).

Posted in Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments (7)

Nadine Dorries tells lies, digs hole, etc.

This article by David Allen Green that is very much about Nadine Dorries and what she told the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards has resulted in a string of remarkably similar comments underneath that article from an unknown number of people pretending to be more than one person, with strikingly similar views on it being less about the corruption and lying and All About Teh Stalking. Two examples:

01 November 2010 at 16:18
Slightly over the top don’t you think? I notice you don’t mention the stalker/nutter Tim Irealnd who gatecrashed our public meeting to film her? Or the fact that she was altering name, dates etc on the advice of the Police to protect her family and staff from people like him. She was cleared of an investigation into her expenses and didnt have top pay a penny back.Not the case with Labour MPs. That was the real story.

A voter
01 November 2010 at 16:27
Tim Irealnd is a man well known to the Police. he can ‘debunk’ all he likes. He even posted a video on you tube of his being caught filming her whilst pretending to be someone else and lying to the meeting organisers.If she was my wife, I would want her to cover up where she was. he is seriously weird.

I “gatecrashed their public meeting” and was caught filming her… on my own camera in a planned live broadcast. There are some days when satirising it becomes near to impossible.

This evening, Jim Hamilton kindly took the time to explain the situation as it stands to one of Dorries’ remaining supporters on Twitter. I didn’t have time to get a fresh summary together today, and this does nicely (thank you, Jim):

Jim Hamilton

On Monday 1st November 2010, said:

OK, where to begin. First, you are majoring on how Mrs #Dorries was “cleared” by the HoC standards and privileges ctte. Based on Mrs Dorries submission that 70% of her blog was, in effect, lies. This was a written submission to the House authorities, and Mrs Dorries had every opportunity to change her position before the investigation ran its’ course. She waited until this evidence (and be under no illusions, it is evidence) was accepted and the investigation closed to casually say that the evidence was in fact incorrect. The only two conclusions possible from this are (a) She lied to the commons to achieve a fraud on the public purse or (b) she routinely lied to her constituents. Assuming, for the sake of the argument that (b) is the case; first, this is morally reprehensible to me as her constituent – largely through her cavalier attitude to this breach of the covenant. Her position that she only changed some details to protect herself from “stalkers” is interesting. She has been unable to provide evidence of this serious offence having been comitted. I spent 6 years working at a reasonably senior level in the Criminal Justice system and can say a few things about Mrs Dorries claims. 1. If you report a credible suspect for “stalking” they will be interviewed by the Police, either under arrest or by voluntary attendance at the Police Station – the named blogger has had neither happen to him. You will also be issued with a Crime reference number, you will not have to ask for this, it will be provided freely. Mrs Dorries, despite being given the opportunity to provide this has failed to avail herself of the opportunity – why would this be? There is no risk to her in the slightest. If any interaction with the police has taken place – and there is absolutely no evidence that it has – one can only deduce that they have decided that there is no case to answer and that Mrs Dorries (admittedly vocal) critics are operating entirely within the law, and their rights as citizens of this country.

In short, Mrs Dorries has accused people of crimes, publicly and without evidence to back the assertion – nor even a logical argument to provide the benefit of the doubt, she has revelled in the way she has either misled parliament or her constituents.

The conclusion? – She needs to be deselected by the Conservative party, a by-election needs to be called and if (as is likely) a Conservative is returned to the seat, so be it – but let it be an honourable, decent, hard working constituency MP – rather like her neighbour in NE Beds, Alistair Burt.

This is not a party political issue – no matter what I and others think of the parties of government, it is a matter of public probity and decency.

Sorry, couldn’t say all that in 140 characters

That’s about the size of it. On Friday (Oct 29) Nadine Dorries promised to provide dates of complaints and relevant reference numbers. She claims an investigation followed one of many complaints involving four different stalkers. For every proper complaint she made, she should be able to identify a log/incident number, the file for which would reveal the date of the relevant complaint(s). For every investigation, there should be a crime reference number. Today, no supporting data has emerged.

Dorries has yet to produce any evidence that police gave her anything like the advice she claims to have received from them – i.e. to mislead her constituents about her whereabouts – which is the purpose of this story she offers the press (which greatly contradicts the story she gave the Commissioner). She has yet to produce evidence to support her now months-old claim that a police investigation was in progress, and the language she is using at the moment appears to suggest that she cannot even provide evidence of making any complaint, which would make the matter even more of a disaster for her.

Currently she is reduced to making nonsensical claims in the name of the local Chief Constable, making major unmarked edits to the wildly inaccurate if not entirely false claims she publishes on that ‘blog’ of hers, and shouting ‘puerile’ at an article composed mainly of the findings of a report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.

UPDATE (02 Nov) – A chunk of the opening sentence was missing, and has now been reinstated. Dorries is up and about and mouthing off, but still unable to produce any evidence backing any of what she claims.

Posted in Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments (12)

Rally4Sanity London: an important message

It is just past midday on 10.29.10 29.10.10. There are now less than 24 hours to go before midday on 10.30.10 30.10.10. That makes it impossible for anyone to apply for police permission to stage a London demonstration in favour of sanity (or anything else) at 12pm tomorrow within the confines of the designated area displayed in the map below.

If you wish to have a rally to restore sanity anywhere in or near Parliament or Downing Street midday on 30.10.2010, there is now NO way to gain permission to do it legally; the official deadline passed days ago, and even the short notice deadline would require the use of a time machine. That’s the law.

(See: Sections 132 to 138 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005)

If you wish to hold an urgent and spontaneous demonstration outside Scotland Yard or the Home office in protest, this too is illegal without police permission (see map).

rally4sanity map

The KeepFearAlive rally for London does have police permission to stage a demonstration within the designated area (from 12pm-2pm), and we will also be demonstrating in favour of the law that grants us this exclusive privelege:

London/Westminster Rally to Defend SOCPA and Keep Fear Alive
12pm Saturday 30.10.2010
Old Palace Yard SW1 (map)
Wear BLACK, or a BLACK costume. (No excuses!)
Authorised placards ONLY please!

Placards and further details: or

Subscribe to the mailing list to confirm your attendance and discuss the event.
Join the London MeetUp group.

In summary, for anyone wishing to demonstrate in favour of sanity anywhere near Parliament tomorrow, I present one of the authorised placards for our event:

Fear Poster 02

I look forward to seeing my fellow fear-mongers at the event. Click here for further details and downloadable placards. Don’t forget to wear the blackest of your black shirts.

Fear Flyer

Posted in The War on Stupid | Comments (3)

Dorries is making it up as she goes along

Dorries has published a series of claims about me in this post on her not-really-a-blog. To describe it as “70% fiction” would be putting it rather too kindly.

Also, since uploading it late last night, she has made a series of amendments that I’ll address alongside the (rare) detail:

On Monday, the Sky Boulton blog, not only ran a negative and imbalanced story, it legitimised the very person the Police advised me to disguise my movements from, Tim Ireland.

I’m sure, the article, that she doesn’t link to, contains too few commas, for her liking, but it can be found here.

Nadine Dorries is using false accusations of stalking to excuse lies she told her constituents long before I blogged about her. Even if I have secretly invented time travel (and I’m not saying I haven’t) she told the Commissioner that she gave a false impression that she was mainly resident in the constituency to “reassure” her association and constituents. Even if I have travelled back in time to retro-stalk Nadine (and I’m not saying I haven’t), never at any time have I acted in any way that could give police cause to advise Nadine Dorries to hide her movements from me as she describes.

In fact, the only time we have ever been in the same room was at a public event for candidates and constituents. Constituents invited me to that event. Dorries has previously sought to use my presence at that event as her sole excuse for describing me as a stalker at that same event (and claiming I was the subject of a related police investigation at the time). It’s not only a lie, it’s an old lie.

Not only has this man stalked me, he can telephone my constituency office so many times in a morning, the staff disconnect the phone, making it impossible for constituents to make contact.

I have not stalked Nadine Dorries.

What she implies about a nuisance calling is entirely false, even in this vague state. It’s especially insulting that her embellishment aims to portray me as an enemy of democracy standing between her and her constituents (and not for the first time).

He never telephones the London office. He possibly suspects those calls would be recorded.

For some reason, Dorries added this the morning after she first uploaded this article. She needn’t have bothered. It’s garnish.

FYI, I called the number provided for the office of the Mid Bedfordshire Conservative Association, in an attempt to resolve this without talking to the hysterical Dorries or any of her staff/daughters. I had no intention of speaking to her constituency office, but it appears the two are indivisible.

I have reported him to the House of Commons police on three occasions and the Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Police explored the option of triggering section 5 of the Public Disorder Act.

Reporting someone for stalking does not make the subject of your claim a stalker. If police thought there was anything in what Dorries claimed about me (there is no knowing at this stage how much of what she told them is/was fiction or things she is/was very confused about), then they would have been in touch long before now.

But at least, after months of asking Dorries to put a number and/or officer name and station to her claims, I know enough to make contact with Gillian Parker, Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Police.

If Gillian Parker or any other officer did explore “triggering section 5 of the Public Disorder Act” as Dorries claims, without talking to me about it, then they must have concluded that there wasn’t sufficient evidence of an offence taking place, and/or that my conduct was reasonable.

What this smells like is Dorries using her position of power to kick it all the way upstairs so the most senior officer available had to explain this to her.

The House of Commons Police informed me that Mr Ireland had actually rang their office demanding to know if he had been reported. He had and they were seeking advice from the Met harassment unit.

This was also added after the original article was uploaded. It appears to be based on my account rather than anything told to her by the ‘House of Commons police’. If only she would put some specifics to what she claims.

Perhaps while Dorries is mouthing off she’d care to stipulate on which dates she made complaints to police about me, what specifically she claimed I was responsible for, and who she spoke to about this, at which station.

And on the subject of Dorries and her poetic air of uncertainty…

You only have to look at the huge number of Twitter accounts and web sites he has registered in my name…

I run one Twitter account that satirises Dorries. There is a secondary account for a super-powered foetus that is part of this same joke. Either Dorries believes I am behind every Twitter account that mocks her, or she is deliberately misrepresenting the scale of my activity. Again.

There is a blog that documents her worst outbursts, and I dared to mock her on YouTube. I’m cross-platform. Using free third-party platforms, this necessitates provider-specific accounts. Dorries is totally misrepresenting that.

… and the very odd, obsessive nature of his writing to understand why I was given the advice I was.

I would dare to describe this passage as bordering on the subjective. Dorries thinks a 21-week-old foetus can punch its way out of an incision in the uterus, but my questioning the detail of her claim makes me obsessive in her eyes.

Oh, and the advice she speaks of (even if it was anything like she implies) is a false excuse for lies she told long before I even knew of her, as I have already mentioned.

Sorry if that attention to detail creeps you out, by the way.

What he writes is aggressive, untrue, disturbing in it’s intensity.

Another ‘morning after’ sentence. And it’s garnish, too.

During the election, he travelled to my constituency from Surrey by train, [not an easy journey], laden with computer and camera equipment, lied to the organisers of a public meeting about who he was in order that he could get close to film me.

Note how she lays this down after earlier implying that I had been following her around to the extent that she had to mask her movements (something she cannot possibly hope to prove because it never happened).

It’s beyond obvious; it’s childishly pathetic. Isn’t anyone on hand to give her proper guidance on this? Even if she expects to get away with libel on the basis of her assumption that her target(s) dare not sue her, she looks like a petulant, vindictive child, attacking people with accusations that have already been proven false and using excuses that were wholly discredited days ago.

“Laden with computer and camera equipment” we can put down to poetic licence (along with the far more contentious flair of my wanting to “get close” to her). She also later added that this was “not an easy journey”, but it was a doddle.

As for that public meeting, I was invited.

I most certainly did not lie to organisers about who I was, or why I was there. Dorries did not witness this event, but I can produce people who did. Further, the organisers have recently gone on record as not remembering the event in quite in the same way that Dorries does.

Now Dorries has updated this passage so it reads:

He then supposedly lied to the organisers of a public meeting about who he was, in order that he could get close to film me.

I hope to say more after being in contact with those same organisers, assuming Dorries continues to stand by her (now softened) lie that I lied which she is using to push her lies about stalking, which she is using to excuse the lies she said* she told to her constituents.

(*It should be noted for accuracy that many people suspect this to be a lie.)

In case you haven’t worked it out yet; Nadine Dorries says these things because she is worried about being thoroughly exposed as a liar.

I am not the only person he has harassed and stalked and when I spoke to a well known law firm about him recently, he was well known to them. For something completely different.

Pfft! She can’t possibly swing ‘known to police’, so she tries ‘known to lawyers’. Her hatchet jobs are getting increasingly low rent.

I’ve only ever had cheap threats and cheap tricks from those lawyers who don’t remember me fondly. Even if we assume there’s any truth to the story behind Dorries’ dark implications, so what?

Further, a lawyer is not a policeman, but a man who knows the law and works for hire. And if one of them had evidence that I had broken the law in any way, then they would have little difficulty getting that across to a policeman.

I’ve yet to receive any letters from any lawyers claiming to act on behalf of Dorries, BTW.

(Please note that those lawyers she doesn’t name didn’t act to get that Sky piece removed. But perhaps Nadine was talking to them about… *dramatic sting*… something completely different.)

The Sky Boulton blog was outrageous and distressing. John Craig, their political reporter felt there was nothing wrong in legitimising a man I and other MPs have felt the need to report to the Police.

If any other MP has reported me to police about anything, I have yet to hear about it, and when it’s serious they tell you about it. Dorries earlier claimed that I stalked Anne Milton to the extent that police had to get involved, but the truth is that the police investigated one of Milton’s activists. Anyone can call Anne Milton’s office and ask. She won’t be able to deny it.

I have never been the subject of a police investigation as Dorries implies here and has claimed elsewhere. I have never even received a friendly call from a policeman who might be a little worried that I am overdoing it with Ms Dorries or anyone else.

Even when using characters/satire, I have always blogged in a way that makes no secret about who I am, and if Dorries had made a complaint of any credibility and substance to any officer anywhere in the land, then the police would have been in touch with me long before now.

Dorries is a liar who knowingly uses damaging falsehoods about her perceived enemies, and here is the detail in my case.

In May of this year, Dorries claimed a police investigation was underway into my activities. If there is any truth to this, then Nadine Dorries should be able to produce at least one relevant crime reference number. If any journalists get in touch, I’m happy to provide the relevant crime references numbers that verify what I claim. Dorries is not.

Nadine Dorries is a liar. A corrupt liar, to be precise.

UPDATE – Nadine Dorries is a Liar and Unfit to Hold Public Office, a post that seeks to dig some sense out of Dorries’ claim that a Chief Constable “explored the option of triggering section 5 of the Public Disorder Act”.

For your reference: A picture showing the relevant amendments (via Richard Bartholomew) and links to previous versions (captured by Gareth Winchester)

Posted in Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments (9)

London/Westminster Rally to Defend SOCPA and Keep Fear Alive

The Rally To Restore Sanity is a cheap, populist campaign by some upstarts in America with a popular television show (The Daily Show). It is now apparent that this rally may actually go global, with people marching in major cities across the world this Saturday 12pm midday (local time) on 10.30.10 30.10.2010

Currently, under British law it is forbidden for you to stage a demonstration in or near Parliament and other designated areas without prior permission from police (ideally, six days in advance). A repeal of the relevant part of the SOCPA act has been in the works since before the last election, but we are not sure at this time where the present coalition government stands on this.

I suspect some people who seek to follow the crowd like sheep and involve themselves in The Rally To Restore Sanity may wish to stray inside a designated area without permission, or perhaps even target Parliament itself.

I have subsequently applied for (and received) police permission to stage an urgent demonstration to protest outside Parliament against any violation of this law, and in support of protecting the law as it stands:


I ask you; what reasonable person would make their way down to Parliament on short notice expecting to be taken seriously?

I call on you to join me this Saturday to take stand against such people:

London/Westminster Rally to Defend SOCPA and Keep Fear Alive
12pm Saturday 30.10.2010
Old Palace Yard SW1 (map)
Wear BLACK, or a BLACK costume. (No excuses!)
Authorised placards ONLY please!
Subscribe to the mailing list to confirm your attendance and discuss the event.
Join the London MeetUp group.
Link to or

The law is the only thing that stands between us and absolute chaos. We can’t have people marching on Parliament at a moment’s notice. We need the threat of arrest to keep them at bay. Perhaps a little kettling if they try to stare us down. Something that’ll make them think twice, at any rate.

Now don’t go making that face. Fear is good. Fear works. Fear will keep the local systems in line.

In fact, I want you to overcome your fear of fear. I want you to campaign for the careful and responsible use of fear in the defence of our democratically-elected leaders! (Can I get an ‘amen’?)


Date: 12pm Saturday 30.10.2010
Location: Old Palace Yard SW1, London (map)

Old Palace Yard is in Westminster, here, under the shadow of the Jewel Tower It’s right by the place where journalists do their pieces to camera outside Parliament, but we’ll try not to get in their way.

You must wear black. You may dress in a scary costume if you wish, even if it seems a peculiar and rather American thing to do, but I must insist – as the keeper of the authorisation document – that you dress in a uniformly black ensemble. So that leaves… witches, the Grim Reaper, cat-women, Catholic priests, that chap from the movie ‘V for Whatever’, or perhaps my own personal choice; a sensible suit with a sturdy but tidy overcoat and a nice briefcase that really tells those workshy scroungers that you mean business. Perhaps a nice black shirt to set it all off. Yes, that’s the ticket.

I can be contacted via the usual email facility and Twitter if you have any questions (the relevant hashtag and link: #KeepFearAliveUK and If you need to find me at the event, I’ll be the one wearing the black armband.


Because we don’t want to be going too far ourselves and free-wheeling on the placards at short notice or anything untoward, I’ve made some pre-prepared ones that you can print out on any printer as A4, then soberly enlarge to A3* at work, (or your local newsagents or post office if you’re an elderly). A limited number of regulation-size placards will be available in exchange for a £1 £2 donation, with proceeds going toward a large screen something or other.

Fear Poster 01      Fear Poster 02

Fear Poster 03     Fear Poster 04

(*Please advise me if you plan to enlarge your own poster to A2 or above, as I will need to clear it with the committee. Please also get in touch if you want to join the committee.)

(Credible lobbying organisations like Christian Concern for our Nation understand the value of uniform placards. Take a look and see them in action.)


You may have noticed that things have been changing recently and some developments are not to everyone’s liking. People have been gathering near Parliament and making ugly noises about the sincerity of the government’s actions regarding some rather harsh cuts, for example. But, as you all know, the cuts are very necessary, entirely the fault of the previous administration, and nothing can be done to stop them.

If Thatcher should die suddenly of being very old, and the £3million+ budget for the planned state funeral became a matter for debate, obviously it would be a time-sensitive issue and a lot of people worried about the expenditure in these times of austerity would want to march on Parliament and complain about the money before it is spent, and I would understand their sense of urgency to a point, but there are limits. Who do some of these people think they are? You can’t just walk up to Parliament and demand answers without permission.

Worse; some of these people have had jobs to get on with, or should be doing something useful or quiet with the time we pay for on whatever benefits scam they’re running.

Something really must be done about the people who expect to be able to walk up to Parliament any time they like and make a fuss over things we cannot change. Further, these people do not understand that they are concerned about things that clearly aren’t important, or are going to happen whether they like it or not. They don’t comprehend that they should simply take their lumps and go away, or at least try to roll with the tide. In fact, I am beginning to wonder if something might be wrong with them, and I’ve half a mind to report some of them to police, even if they don’t turn up on Saturday. I’ve heard tell that these same people send vile and abusive messages, and set up foul and disgusting websites objecting to all sorts of perfectly reasonable things.


As you can see, I have a more enlightened outlook since we last spoke about this and have moved on from my previous (naive and uninformed) view on SOCPA, and I urge you to not only join me, but also inform your colleagues by putting this poster up at your place of work:

Fear Flyer

(Once you have displayed your flyer, make sure you also send an internet email around your office or update your Facebooks so everybody knows about the stand you are taking for democracy!)

London/Westminster Rally to Defend SOCPA and Keep Fear Alive
12pm Saturday 30.10.2010
Old Palace Yard SW1 (map)
Wear BLACK, or a BLACK costume. (No excuses!)
Authorised placards ONLY please!
Subscribe to the mailing list to confirm your attendance and discuss the event.
Join the London MeetUp group.
Link to or

(Please be aware that video footage may be recorded at this event. Persons carrying unauthorised, off-topic placards risk arrest.)

Posted in The War on Stupid, Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments (4)

The Nadine Dorries Cries ‘Stalker’ Flowchart

Dear Journalists,

I know it is tempting to carry out interviews as follows and get things done by lunchtime…

“Were you really stalked by [name]?”

“YES! Don’t make me sue you! I know people!”

“OK, thanks for your time.”

… but please remember that the person you are talking to in this case is a liar*, and you’ll really want a little more to go on than her word.

So, to help you in your quest to determine the substance of Nadine’s claims, I have created the following flowchart that contains key questions that someone (other than me) might like to ask Nadine Dorries at some stage:

The Nadine Dorries Cries ‘Stalker’ Flowchart (click for enlarged version)


Good luck in your quest. Oh, and watch your step. Nadine Dorries is an extraordinarily vindictive person with a long track record of attacking her critics and/or perceived enemies with entirely false accusations, some of which may be as dangerous as they are damaging.


Tim Ireland

[*I would say ‘self-confessed liar’ but Nadine Dorries appears to be a little bit confused on this point at the moment: she has gone from saying to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards that her blog is 70% fiction, to saying that what she really meant all along was 30% fiction, to saying that every word on her blog is absolutely true.]

Posted in Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments (5)

Exposing Nadine Dorries and the little gang of Conservatives who cried ‘stalker’

Nadine Dorries is currently attempting to explain away an enormously damaging admission about misleading her constituents with a compelling sob story about stalkers.

This is no better than her hiding behind a human shield at the height of the expenses scandal with an hysterical if not calculated announcement about fears of a suicide (which she made just after some ill-advised comments about expenses that made her look both corrupt and arrogant).

I am here to attempt to tempt you far enough into the detail to not only establish the sob story of Nadine Dorries to be a calculated lie, but also expose a dark side of right wing blogging that the present Conservative leadership have repeatedly turned a blind eye to.

I warn you that even in this condensed state, there is a fair amount of detail, not least because Dorries’ lies involve a series of people who have intersecting personal relationships and political interests. Some of Dorries’ supporters would delight in dismissing it all as a wild conspiracy theory on that basis, but if you would care to look into the detail below you will find that anything reliant on mere suspicion, opinion or contention is clearly defined with appropriate language.

Unlike some, I do not seek to pass off an expression of opinion, belief or fiction as fact.

Unlike some, if challenged on any of the specifics, I can produce evidence that shows what I publish is both accurate and pertinent.

So, let’s begin by getting you sorted for a nice hot tea or coffee, and perhaps a biscuit.

I’ll wait while you fetch and fix.

Seriously, you’ll thank me later. You’ll at least want to hydrate at some stage.

Go. Do.


All ready? Good. Let’s proceed with the detail:

In January 2009, I uncovered a plot to generate tabloid headlines and anti-Muslim sentiment through fabricated evidence of extremism in web forums.

The man who fabricated the relevant evidence was Glen Jenvey, then a professional associate of (and source of intelligence for) the Conservative MP Patrick Mercer; a man on the fringes of his party, who puts himself about as an expert on matters of extremism and terrorism and earns quite a bit of money on the back of this.

Mercer’s office refused to respond to (never mind act on) emails and calls alerting them to Jenvey’s actions, even after Jenvey submitted/published dozens of entirely false claims – via over 50 websites – that I was a convicted paedophile.

I am not a paedophile, convicted or otherwise, though I have been labelled a ‘nutter’ for daring to object to these damaging lies.

Mercer later denied working with Jenvey after his fabrications were exposed, but this was a lie. He now refuses to discuss the detail with me or anyone else anyone on the grounds that I am an “electronic stalker”, claiming that he has received advice not to speak to me or even about me.

I am not a stalker, electronic or otherwise, though I have been labelled a ‘nutter’ for daring to object to these damaging lies.

The source of Jenvey’s claims of paedophilia appears to be another associate of Mercer’s named Dominic Wightman (aka Dominic Whiteman, aka Richard Walker, aka Olivia James, etc. etc. etc.). Jenvey maintains that Wightman told him that I was a convicted paedophile who had escaped justice and assured him that I needed ‘sorting out’ before emailing that man my ex-directory home address. Wightman denies some of this, but his previous denials have been gross distortions if not outright lies. Obviously, that does not make him guilty of this act, only a liar, but his denials do little to counter the evidence that he refuses to discuss in detail…. on the grounds that I am an “electronic stalker”

Mercer will not say if or when he broke contact with Wightman and why (again, citing his claim that I am an “electronic stalker”; he won’t comment on Wightman’s harassment of me because he claims I am harassing him by complaining about it).

While Jenvey was smearing me as a paedophile and members of Mercer’s staff were refusing to act on the matter, Iain Dale promised to contact Patrick Mercer directly to alert him to this, failed to do so, then lied about it. It only emerged a year later that Dale had called the very same staff members that he knew were not passing messages on, didn’t mention the paedophilia smears to them, and didn’t even ask them to pass any kind of message on. Iain Dale still equates this with contacting Patrick Mercer and fulfilling his promise while refusing to be drawn on the detail, which is a gross distortion of the truth if not an outright lie.

Shortly after pulling this stunt, Iain Dale then hosted a discussion thread that was deliberately held open for no other reason that I can determine other than facilitating his libel of the Labour MP Tom Watson during ‘Smeargate’; Dale had issued an entirely false claim that Tom Watson was CCed on a crucial Draper/McBride email, which cost two newspapers an apology and a “substantial sum in damages”. Despite being forced to withdraw the claim, Iain Dale failed to retract it in a timely manner (he later lied about when he had done this), and actively exploited a series of highly questionable content and comment manipulation techniques that left his readers with the false impression that his accusation stood. The best that can be said in his defence was that he knowingly misled his readers on the specifics because he was certain of Tom Watson’s overall guilt

At the same time this was happening and the relevant discussion thread was being held open by Dale in a way that would publish any comment immediately (not standard procedure on Iain Dale’s site by any means, and risky at the best of times), two bloggers aligned with Iain Dale and Nadine Dorries, ‘Guido Fawkes’ (Paul Staines) and ‘Tory Bear’ (Harry Cole or Alexander or whatever the hell his name is), both started publishing entirely false claims and implications that I was associated with Draper and/or McBride and/or their planned smear campaign(s). On Staines’ site particularly, this involved a series of false claims and implications that I not only supported the plans of Draper/McBride, but did so in return for money.

I am not a smear merchant, paid or otherwise, though I have been labelled a ‘nutter’ for daring to object to these damaging lies.

Iain Dale, too, had begun to publish comments suggesting I was a smear merchant in league with Draper/McBride, but was only deleting my comments complaining about it. By this stage, Dale was not only using the open thread as a weapon against Tom Watson, but as a weapon against me, and he knowingly did so at a time when his thread was one of the hottest in town, and by then turning up for searches of my name, at the same time that Glen Jenvey was known to be cruising for open comment threads in which to publish his false allegations of paedophilia, while armed with my address and threatening to use it.

Dale was ignoring emails about this, and deleting comments urging him to moderate more responsibly. I still do not know if Dale did this mainly out of ignorance or malice, as he refuses to discuss the detail… on the grounds that I am an “electronic stalker”.

Iain Dale now cites repeated phone calls made in these circumstances as evidence of my stalking him, as does Dominic Wightman. Neither person mentions the context in which the calls were made. Years earlier, Dale also published entirely false claims that I had stalked Anne Milton and Nadine Dorries. He has offered to delete these claims from his site, but refuses to issue a retraction, despite knowing that what he privately defends as opinion or hyperbole is being presented by Dominic Wightman and others as fact.

(Dale’s only response to this is a denial about contact with Wightman. This is as meaningless as his denials about contact with Jenvey; he cannot substantiate what he has published, even as opinion, and yet continues to maintain these false claims knowing that his word on the matter is being used against me in an ongoing campaign of harassment. He does not have to engage in a conspiring dialogue for this to be wrong. His politics is blinding him to the action that should be obvious; we should as a blogging community be rejecting the antics of people like Wightman, not actively exploiting them to gain advantage over rivals or silence critics.)

When Dominic Wightman’s schemes and duplicity were discovered (he had been posing as my ally for months as his harassment campaign got rolling), he went to ground and I instead found myself having to deal with a group of self-described ‘cyber activists’ led by a man named Charlie Flowers; a man who had previously worked with Wightman in his harassment of Glen Jenvey (a former associate of Wightman’s in an amateur ‘terror tracking’ venture that collapsed in acrimony and disputes over money).

Charlie Flowers began publishing my home address alongside a claim that I was in league with Muslim extremists.

I am not in league with extremists, Muslim or otherwise, though I have been labelled a ‘nutter’ for daring to object to these damaging lies.

Wightman is the most likely source of my home address and the only possible source of the relevant ‘evidence’; at present he explains this away with a fantastical and absurd claim about his computer being hacked.

Charlie Flowers, both alone and in conjunction with several people he was manipulating at the time, repeatedly broadcast my home address to people they regarded to be hostile toward me (including members of the BNP). When the accusations of association with extremists began to fall flat, they proceeded to publish my home address alongside the accusations that I had stalked Patrick Mercer, Paul Staines, Iain Dale, Anne Milton and Nadine Dorries. They further claimed that I had sent death threats to MPs, implying Dorries to be the main target.

When confronted about this, Charlie Flowers made a statement that he was doing this on behalf of Nadine Dorries and others and claimed to have informed her of his actions and intentions. When this was brought to the attention of this MP, Dorries only pretended to report him to police and instead (she claims) reported me to police for stalking her.

(Currently, Dorries is blurring the lines between claims she now makes about four unnamed people stalking her, but is heavily implying that I have been sharing her personal details on the web. This is not only untrue, it is astonishingly near to the opposite of the truth; Dorries has knowingly exploited a situation involving the publication of my home address. She has also had a man over to her home as a dinner guest who, prior to all of this, had repeatedly published my home phone number on his site – he says just to ‘annoy’ me. Further, in recent weeks, Dorries has attacked a constituent of hers who had dared to be file a complaint about this. Dorries attacked this constituent with a false allegation that this woman was a benefits cheat, and furnished journalists with the woman’s name and home address as part of her smear campaign. I do not know how Dorries came by this personal/sensitive data, but surely she should face repercussions if she came by it as part of her duties as an MP, through a letter to her or via her office/party access to the electoral role, for example.)

Later, during the 2010 election, I was invited by constituents of Nadine Dorries to a public meeting where they expected Dorries to lie about the investigation into her expenses, and the circumstances surrounding it.

(During this investigation, Dorries explained inconsistencies in her account to the Commissioner by stating that 70% of what she published on her blog was fiction. After the investigation concluded – she claims in a way that exonerated her of any wrongdoing – she publicly backtracked to claiming she had only meant 30% of her blog was fiction, before going on to maintain a day later that every word she published on her blog was absolutely true. I have also recently discovered that Dorries insisted on a change to the date of the hustings (!) in a way that avoided any report of the event in her local paper prior to the election, and also arranged the timing of her arrival and departure so she might avoid any direct confrontation or open Q&A session. Dorries is legendary in political circles for her pretences at engagement when in fact she shuns it, only engaging with people who do not confront her with difficult questions. After previous hustings, she knew she was on a sticky wicket and likely to face some difficult questions at the final hustings before the election. So did her constituents. It’s why they invited me to come and get the evening on record in the interests of democracy. But Nadine is so far gone; she sees this and any attempt to confront her about her ongoing lies as a personal attack and an affront to democracy.)

Knowing full well that my home address was being published alongside a false accusation that I had stalked her and others, Dorries sought to escape that situation by twice addressing a hall full of hundreds of people and accusing me of stalking Patrick Mercer, stalking Anne Milton “to the point that police became involved”, and stalking her to the point that a formal police investigation was underway.

Dorries then not only stood by that accusation knowing it to be entirely false, she went on to build on it, using the stabbing of the MP Stephen Timms to explain her decision to close her blog and Twitter account shortly after the election, with a direct and unmistakable insinuation that I presented an equal danger to her; this included a claim that she was advised by police in this context to cease any tweeting/blogging. It later emerged that Dorries had closed her blog and Twitter account a week before Timms was stabbed. Unless her recent self-diagnosis as a sufferer of “profound dyslexia” covers confusion about which way time flows, her claim that this event prompted her decision cannot be seen as anything but a calculated lie.

Andy Rayment, Chairman of the Mid Bedfordshire Conservative Association, responded to my concerns about Dorries’ repeated attempts to portray me as a mentally unbalanced stalker (including the evidence showing Dorries to be a liar) with a curt email in which he declared that he refused to communicate with “nutters”. Dorries then revealed any concerns she may have had about me being mentally unstable and potentially violent as a sham when she gleefully repeated this correspondence on her blog.

To be clear about the accusations that some journalists might be tempted to take at face value:

– There is no evidence of Patrick Mercer making any credible report to police about my stalking him. If he had, I would have been contacted by police a long time ago. It is standard procedure. (I know this from experience, and not in the way some would have you think. The people who have been involved in the worst of the harassment targeting me have so far escaped prosecution, but all of them have received unwanted attention from police as a result of my complaints.)

– The same applies to Iain Dale, who still refuses to discuss the circumstances in which he sought to exploit my being smeared as a paedophile, and actually seeks credit for not actually smearing me as a paedophile personally. (So *much* to be proud of, Iain!) He is now incensed that I may have to resort to civil action to have him issue a retraction of his repeated claims that I stalked him and others, even though he knows he cannot possibly substantiate his claims in criminal or civil court, or even in an open debate. Instead of taking the route he insists I should take with those harassing me (i.e. reporting them to police, as if I have not done so), Iain Dale has sought to address his claims that I harassed him with accusations made primarily behind the scenes, in what can only be described as a whispering campaign.

– In Anne Milton’s case, the only person who was investigated by police was a Conservative activist then working under her (and very closely with her), who sought to target a political opponent with an anonymous and entirely false claim that his opponent was… wait for it… a paedophile. Milton won’t like talking about that, but she cannot deny it, and she cannot deny knowing about it and the evidence of that man’s involvement before going on to endorse him as a candidate for local council. (She only ‘blanked’ him after he lost; what a lovely person. Yay, politics.) On that note, I should also point out that Anne Milton is also a (hopefully former) associate of Dominic Wightman’s (i.e. the man doing the key dirty work in this ongoing campaign of harassment against me). Milton denies saying anything to him or anyone else that might give them the idea that I was stalking her, but I can prove this to be a lie.

– Nadine Dorries cannot produce any evidence of a police investigation into my stalking her, as no such investigation took place. Through her supporters – mainly ‘Tory Bear’ – Dorries now presents my presence at that meeting (where she claimed I was under police investigation for stalking her) as the ONLY evidence of my stalking her. In any case, even if Dorries thinks she is telling the truth about some of her stalking claims (which we cannot discount, as she appears to be genuinely delusional on some points, not a claim I make lightly), the lies she told to constituents pre-date any of her cited or published concerns about stalkers.

To be clear on this point:

All of the events Nadine Dorries describes as ‘stalking’ took place after the lies she told constituents about the amount of time she spent in her constituency.

Further, she gave the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards an entirely different reason why she engaged in this deceit:

I often posted comments on my blog relating to [name of town] in my constituency. Since I first rented in the constituency, I made a song and dance about being at the property. I have mentioned it on my blog a number of times. This was done to comfort my Association. The previous MP only visited the constituency occasionally—sometimes only as often as once every six weeks—and they were keen that I reversed that impression. His lack of time in the constituency contributed to his de-selection. – Letter to the Commissioner from Ms Nadine Dorries MP, 25 January 2010

When Nadine Dorries claims or implies that she lied to her constituents about the amount of time she spent in her constituency only so far as to alter a few key dates and locations to throw stalkers off the scent… She. Is. Lying.

Nadine Dorries is lying because she has dug herself into a deep hole after a series of earlier lies, and she appears to have lied not only to her blog readers, constituents, and a series of journalists following this up, but also to John Lyon, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.

I am willing to be interviewed about or challenged on any or all of this, and can produce evidence to back up everything I relate and describe, including the crime reference numbers relating to the two police investigations into this (ongoing) campaign of harassment against me, that recently got so ugly as to involve anonymous and entirely false accusations of criminal damage against my children.

If you press Dorries or Dale or Mercer or anyone else about this, they will refuse to talk to you or lie to you, but they will not be able to produce any evidence* to back up what they claim outside hearsay and opinion from their circle of deceit.

(How this works: Dorries claims I stalked her and points to what Iain Dale says as evidence. Iain Dale claims I am a stalker by pointing to what Nadine Dorries says as evidence. At one stage, Iain Dale even went so far as to declare that I only criticised Nadine Dorries as a way of getting at him. He even has the audacity to suggest that there is no smoke without fire when he knows damn well that he is the one generating the bulk of the smoke.)

Make no mistake; this is nothing more than a smear campaign involving people with aspirations of influence that far outweigh their integrity.

Calling the police and accusing someone of stalking does not make the subject of your claims guilty of stalking.

Hell, even Jenvey was calling police and accusing me of harassing him while he was publishing entirely false allegations about my being a paedophile.

Dorries is no better. She knowingly exploited a situation that put me and my family at significant risk and in considerable fear of danger, and heightened this with a damaging and self-serving lie about a police investigation that never took place.

And Nadine Dorries did this for no other reason than political gain; at best, to talk her way out of a corner.

I have never been approached by police about any complaint of harassment aimed at me, which is standard procedure for them following any credible complaint.

I have never been investigated for stalking or harassment or been issued with any kind of warning by police about my behaviour in this respect.

I have no criminal record for violent crime or any other kind of crime.

Nevertheless, I have been the target of entirely false allegations of stalking (and worse) made by people attempting to mask or excuse their lies and corruption.

Three of these people are Conservative MPs, and one of them is a member of Cameron’s cabinet.

If you’ve read this far, I’d like to ask you to do something about it by (a) writing about it, (b) getting the word out on Twitter, (c) filing a complaint with the Conservative Party, and/or (d) writing a letter to David Cameron at 10 Downing St.

Thanks for your time.

[*As should be clear from an earlier passage, if Anne Milton is able to produce a crime reference number, it will not relate to an investigation of my conduct, but an investigation of the conduct of one of her activists. While it did not culminate in a prosecution, that investigation did NOT clear the relevant activist or his associate(s) of wrongdoing, despite what Anne Milton or Iain Dale may imply. I am in possession of that same crime reference number should Milton attempt denying any of this.]

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