Derek Lambie: The Gates

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Derek Lambie

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Scottish Sunday Express article at the centre of this can be read here.

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I’m hearing noise about pending/current legal action from the corner of Derek Lambie, editor of the Scottish Sunday Express.

For example, this claim appeared on the Popbitch board day before yesterday:

screen capture

I wasn’t sure if this was entirely true at first. It could have been part of a joke by ‘celtiagirl’, or even a little joke by Derek Lambie. Or, it could’ve been a genuine/empty threat from a man who would rather not have his Facebook account cherry-picked for compromising data.

Point is I wasn’t sure, so I asked him via email, and received a ‘read’ receipt, but no reply…. and not for the first time.

You may recall this vague threat from last week:

“I hope the personal attacks on paula murray will cease or further action will be taken.” – Derek Lambie (source)

Despite relevant questions being raised twice, Lambie never did get back to me about what personal abuse he was talking about and what action had been taken, if any.

Maybe he’s not at liberty to say for legal reasons. Maybe he just wants me to think that he’s taking/considering legal action (see: Dean Godson). Or perhaps he has me confused with another blogger.

Actually, judging by this comment, he does appear to regard us as some sort of organised gang:

“As you are no doubt aware – thanks to mass bloggers on the Internet – we have been inundated with letters and comments. Many of them have been extremely personal. ” – Derek Lambie (source)

Because it’s our fault, this. Without us “mass bloggers”, no-one would be outraged. We all ganged up on the poor, defenceless staff of Express Newspapers and invented this anger and outrage. It’s not real or genuine or spontaneous at all; it’s engineered outrage. It’s Russell Brand and Jonathon Ross all over again (and again). So whatever it is that you think you’re feeling right now, you may as well put it away and forget about it, because Lambie thinks you’re having him on, and you’re wasting your breath. Oh and your criticisms are buried under a neatly arranged scattering of personal abuse, so you should be happy with the two letters he printed and shut the hell up.

Anyway, as I was saying, the vague legal threat is still hanging in the air, there is talk of it being repeated (which Lambie is doing little to discourage, at least), and I want to take the precaution of reminding Derek Lambie and anyone else who might be reading just why we’re here…

Dunblane Memorial Window by Shona McInnes

The Dunblane Memorial Window, Holy Family Church, Dunblane (original)
“The theme is the triumph of light over darkness, of good over evil…” – Shona McInnes

I don’t entirely trust my own memories of the Dunblane massacre. As you may or may not be aware, it was the sensational media coverage of Dunblane, particularly the portrayal of the killer, that was the trigger for a young man who turned away from thoughts of simple suicide and instead decided to take a whole bunch of us lesser humans with him, on 28 April 1996 in the Port Arthur massacre. In short, for this little black swan, the two shockwaves overlap with the bonus of some justified anger at the media that I’d really rather not going into right now. So, instead, here’s a student editorial from 1996 to bring us back into focus:

AT 9am on Wednesday 13 March 1996, Mrs. Mayor’s class arrived at the gates of Dunblane Primary School, many of them never to return home.

The senseless slaughter of the infants in Dunblane is one of those events too horrifying to comprehend. A nation still mourns the lives of sixteen young children and their teacher, it is doubtful they will ever stop grieving.

It is hard to comprehend that this has happened. It’s numbing, and still the shock has no worn off. Standing outside of one of the school gates was one of the most harrowing experiences I have ever encountered.

Our thoughts are with the families of the victims, and with the town of Dunblane. They will never forget. Never forgive. Their hurt will never ease, their loss never brought back. Words cannot express our thoughts, our emotions, our sympathies. We cannot begin to comprehend. We could never understand the great sense of loss.

Nothing can bring the children back, and for the families this grief will never go away. Forevermore, they will be hammered by the callous, cold and calculated killings at Dunblane Primary School. The hurt is too raw, the grief is too deep, the shock is too mind-numbing.

That’s from the lead editorial of the March/April 1996 edition of BRIG, the official student newspaper of Stirling University.

Derek Lambie went to Stirling University, and I know you shouldn’t believe everything you read on Wikipedia, but it says so on the page about Derek Lambie that was created by Derek Lambie (and is, so far, Derek Lambie’s sole contribution to Wikipedia).

Anyway, I’m getting off the track, and my point is that Derek Lambie was at Stirling University in 1996, but he’s not acting like a man who read that editorial.

Which is a crying shame, because he’s actually the man who wrote it.


That was written by Derek Lambie, then-editor of BRIG, as part of a 7-page spread on the Dunblane massacre. It’s in the Stirling University newspaper archives (go see for yourself), and this discovery comes to us courtesy of one of those idealistic student-types that hangs around campus scanners and photocopiers and imagines that they are angry about petty opportunistic attacks on blameless victims of horrific violence. Turns out there’s a few people like that.

Again, getting back on track…

Right now, keeping in mind the gravity of this issue and the emotions Derek Lambie experienced when he stood outside those school gates, what I really want to know is when exactly Derek Lambie plans of getting on with it, and suing us bloggers in the name of the victims of the Dunblane massacre.

Because surely he gave that article by Paula Murray the main front page headline because he was trying to protect these people from themselves. Surely he’d only be intending legal action that would help those victims to move on and forget the pain. Let’s not forget that “forevermore, they will be hammered by the callous, cold and calculated killings at Dunblane Primary School” (and maybe a tabloid hack or two, because that’s clearly their right).

There’s no way he’s be suing anybody for selfish reasons at all. You know; because he has to cover his arse and/or Paula Murray’s after he gave that reporter free rein and a front page to have a go at vulnerable young adults, allowing them to be singled out and attacked (again!) just because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time 13 years ago. Such a thing would be unthinkable…. and quite unconscionable.

So obviously there’s some key element I’m missing that makes me wrong and him right.

Therefore, in the name of the dearly departed and the remaining victims (families, loved ones, survivors and even those shocked bystanders standing outside the gates), I beg you to please take me, and take me now, Derek Lambie.

I surrender willingly to your superior force. Come and sue me. Smite me if it pleases you.

Or go see the wizard*, face your critics, take your lumps, and rejoin the human race.

Here, let me turn the artificial emotions up to eleventy while you think about your decision.There’s no need for you to think about it too much, mind. After all, you’re an important editor of a major regional newspaper; you couldn’t possibly be wrong about this:

[*see: brains, heart and courage]

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How nice. [UPDATED – This smear is definitely the work of Glen Jenvey]

Somebody based in the UK has been targeting Thai weblogs listed on this site, and leaving the following anonymous comment:

How very nice.

I deny it all, of course. As if I need to.

Please keep in mind that this may not be the work of Glen Jenvey, but instead someone (with admirable attention to detail) wishing to implicate him.

Thank you to The Bangkok Bugle for bringing this to my attention.

Unrelated link found on my travels: Amazing wire spaghetti pictures

UPDATE (2:20pm) – A much-appreciated summary of events to date from Richard Bartholomew. I’m not sure what I make of the wild conspiracy theories about the involvement of Glen Jenvey, but I am in the process of investigation, so I’ll keep you posted.

For those who are wondering, yes, this IMO is the moment when any blogger should feel justified in calling the police. The accusation of sex offences against young children is an accusation typically designed to harm more than reputation(s). I’ve witnessed and documented the tactic before, and there’s little grey area on it in a country where mobs form outside the home of paediatricians.

To overtly accuse someone of paedophilia, especially to do so while knowing that what you claim is false, is to undertake an act designed to prompt others to do the target harm.

IANAL: If this ever happens to you, my advice is to find and preserve evidence, stick to the facts (i.e. what you can prove) and get the event on record, at least.

UPDATE (5:40pm) – If this is a set-up, it’s a very thorough one, conducted by a very patient person who is either well-informed or quite possibly psychic.

Oh, who am I kidding? While Mr Jenvey Was feigning illness to buy time, he was also working on a story that he fed to the media via Patrick Mercer, and… well, let me run you though a timeline:

5 March – Jenvey, having been advised that he is ‘on the record’, signs off feigning illness, pleading with me not to mention specifics (I haven’t) and promising me a statement to the PCC to which I would be privy. In time, he will fail to deliver on this promise, citing legal reasons (mainly, his intention to sue the Guardian newspaper for linking to my website).

7 March – At about midday on this lovely sunny Saturday, someone using the IP address makes this addition to the Wikipedia entry for Anjem Choudary. Note the spacing error:

How very charming.

The undoubtedly false claim is quickly removed by another user, and then added again, this time by registered user ‘ToryBlue’:

How very revealing.

And so on as part of a series of revert battles involving the account ‘ToryBlue’ that reactivated this Wikipedia investigation linking it to the accusations that the PCC are in league with terrorists that can only be the work of Glen Jenvey or an associate who’s so extraordinarily close to him that it doesn’t make much difference either way.

15 March – An article appears in The Times with a quote/endorsement from Patrick Mercer (Con.) MP. The subject of what is clearly Glen Jenvey’s own special brand of investigation is Anjem Choudary:

The Times – Hate cleric leads jihad cash appeal: A recording has emerged of Anjem Choudary, a self-styled sharia judge and former leader of the banned group Al-Muhajiroun, telling his followers to stop spending their money on their families and divert it to Muslim soldiers waging jihad, or holy war. There were demands for Choudary to be investigated by police…. Patrick Mercer, chairman of the Commons subcommittee on counterterrorism, said: “It is crucial that Choudary is investigated by the police and if the evidence stacks up he must be charged.” Geoffrey Bindman, a leading lawyer, said: “There’s an element of ambiguity in the term ‘mujaheddin’ but in the context it’s possible he would be held to be seeking to raise money for terrorist purposes.” Choudary supporters taped a meeting last year at which he was preaching to disciples. A copy of the recording has been passed to The Sunday Times.

15 March – An article appears in the Daily Star with a quote from Patrick Mercer (Con.) MP and a response from Anjem Choudary:

Daily Star – MUSLIM NUTS SET UP ‘SUICIDE BOMB FIND’: HATE preacher Anjem Choudary is being investigated for allegedly urging supporters to send money to the Taliban. A tape emerged at the weekend of the Brit lawyer – whose supporters demonstrated against returning UK troops last week – allegedly telling a crowd to send cash to Muslim soldiers… Last night Patrick Mercer, the chairman of the Commons sub-committee on counter-terrorism, said: “It is crucial that Choudary is investigated by the police and if the evidence stacks up he must be charged.” But Choudary hit back saying calls for him to be investigated breached his human rights… Dad-of-three Choudary, 41, yesterday denied directly urging people to send cash to terrorists. “I don’t think I’ve ever said to people ‘raise money and send it to al-Qaida and the Taliban’,” he said. Choudary admitted he was worried he could be arrested but also hit back at critics, saying he had consulted his lawyer over ex-soldier Mr Mercer’s comments. He also accused journalists of “fabricating information and twisting facts to try to secure at least a prosecution against me”. He added: “All the police have to do is present the facts in a distorted way, and for MPs to put pressure on the Crown Prosecution Service and I could be arrested. What about my human rights?”

17 March – I blow the whole Jenvey/Mercer relationship wide open and name names at 9am. Jenvey claims I am delusional and promises to return “from work” at 9pm. He fails to live up to this promise, and instead decides to post a series of false claims about my being a “sex beast” and paedophile on Thai-based websites, weblogs and forums.

18 March – I know it is Jenvey for sure because the next day it is reported by the recipient of one of these paedo-smear comments that the IP address used to submit it was…., the same IP address used in the incredibly similar attack on Anjem Choudary.

The ‘terror expert’ Glen Jenvey was definitely and unmistakably the man responsible for these attempts to damage my reputation, prompt others to spread his lies and perhaps do me an injury, and implicate The Daily Mail in the process.

And whether he likes it or not Patrick Mercer MP is now visibly tied to it and needs to make a statement. ASAP.

What does Patrick Mercer have to say about some of the things that Glen Jenvey gets up to while collecting evidence that he later endorses in the press? Oh, and does he really plan on standing by while Glen Jenvey smears me (and the Daily Mail), just to save his own sorry arse?

UPDATE – Please read the statement from Patrick Mercer.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | Comments (28)

The Daily Express is innocent!

This will be an interesting fly in the ointment if this ever goes to court*:

Someone created a Wikipedia page for Paula Murray, and later, somebody with an IP address that traces back to Northern & Shell ( made two edits, but only wanted us to know that the article appeared specifically in the Scottish Sunday Express:

screen capture of first of two edits

They didn’t touch anything else. Not even this passage about the recently-shy MSP Elizabeth Smith:

The article features a quote attributed to Scottish MP Elizabeth Smith “I have to say personally I’m not happy. Some of the things that go up on these websites are very unfortunate and I don’t think they give a very good picture about the youngsters.”. However the MP has insisted that her quotes were taken out of context and she was not asked anything at all about Dunblane by Paula Murray.

(*More on that shortly.)

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It’s a conspiracy!

I’m partial to a little adult swim and currently gearing up for possible legal battles by taking in some Harvey Birdman and a little old-school for afters. I saw this and thought of… someone.

(Any minute now, I’ll break out of Dr.Mentaur’s spell, just you watch. Then Glen and I will team up and fight evil.)

Posted in Geekage | Comments (2)

Glen Jenvey knows people

Everything Jenvey emails me with from here on in is ‘on the record’ as far as I’m concerned. Last week, he took advantage and feigned a serious/extended illness in order to avoid answering questions (while conducting his usual ‘business’ behind the scenes) and he hasn’t changed his tune since last night.

Even now, with damning evidence piled at his feet, all he has to offer is an irrelevant email from some misguided NYPD analyst (in an email with the date blacked out, which probably dates back to 2-5 years ago when more people took him seriously) and this personal message in the subject header:

“the plot get’s deeper? your site is a joke! hope you never want to go to america…?”

Because Glen Jenvey knows people, you see. And it’s totally above board to use your law enforcement (pfft!) ‘contacts’ as political muscle.

Jenvey then claimed that he was going “to work” and wouldn’t be back until this evening. Yeah, right.

Notice the complete absence of any claim of innocence, just the threats and accusations of delusion.

Meanwhile, after weeks of radio silence, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles has finally been in touch. We’re still discussing what will or won’t be said on the record, but he’s not standing shoulder to shoulder with Jenvey by any means.

(Psst! Glen! You may want to clutch your archived emails that little bit closer… they could well be the only ‘friends’ you have left.)

Posted in Old Media, The Political Weblog Movement, The War on Stupid | Comments (13)

Mr Starkey [headline snipped – see update]

[UPDATE 13 Sep 2009 – A few non-vital chunks of this article have been generously snipped as a courtesy. All snips are marked in square brackets.]

“I was… I basically… I basically uncovered all the films. With…. a professor whose cousin, Sherard, is the British Ambassador to Afghanistan…” – Glen Jenvey

“Mike went to the MI5 in two thousand and… I think he went in 2006… ‘cos I arranged a meeting… Um… for Mike to go and visit MI5 and hand over tapes.” – Glen Jenvey

1. The man identified in the audio as the cousin of Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles is not a professor, but a lecturer.

2. The mystery cousin and ‘Mike’ are the same person

3. And his name is Mike Starkey


Thanks to this useful link to the Cowper-Coles family tree from Richard Bartholomew, we know that Michael W. Starkey is indeed a cousin of Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, former ambassador to Afghanistan and now envoy from the UK to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Michael Starkey is also the younger brother of Sir John Philip Starkey, 3rd Baronet of the Starkey Baronets. Sir John Starkey was formerly on the executive committee for Conservative MP Patrick Mercer. [snip-related UPDATE: Sir John Starkey was reportedly last on the executive committee over 30 years ago before Patrick Mercer became an MP, but Mercer confirms that they still knock heads politically]

Damn! How did we get back to Patrick Mercer again? No matter, you can read of John Starkey’s displeasure with Patrick Mercer joining Brown’s big tent when there was talk of deselection over the matter. There’s more here.


Glen Jenvey

So, here we have Glen Jenvey, a borderline if not outright fantasist whose only talent judging from the audio/interview is the patience to sit in one place for a very, very long time to catch files and messages that are only live/exchanged for short periods of time.

Fine, the police/authorities maybe don’t have the manpower to do this a lot or at all, but they do at least know what evidence management is, and Jenvey appears totally blind to it.

For all the evidence he claims to have collected and the arrests/convictions he has taken credit for, Mr Jenvey cannot produce a single example where he, or his evidence, sees the inside of a courtroom.

Something is wrong with Mr Jenvey, his evidence, and/or the manner in which he collects/delivers it.

The police, I imagine, regard him to be a bit of a joke, and/or a right royal pain in the arse.

But Jenvey can’t or won’t allow himself to see this; instead, even when he is threatened with arrest, in his mind it is the fault of inept police, overworked systems, useless, corrupt or politically-correct governments, and even the perceived threat of civil fucking war.

Pardon my language, but this man’s fantasies are clearly interfering with our nation’s security and Western security interests across the globe.

Here, by way of example, is an extract from the recently-authenticated audio of that interview where he blabbed and blabbed and blabbed about a year ago, because he was too busy bragging to think straight (or is an even bigger idiot than I took him for):

“The Abu Hamza videos led to the actual conviction and.. of… of… James Ujaama, because I uploaded them the day before he went to court. They hadn’t been shared by the FBI and the American Embassy who already had those… um… those tapes. See, it was the first time the Seattle FBI had actually had seen James Ujaama sat on a platform next to Abu Hamza, and they were struggling with the case and even struggling to keep him in prison. So if I hadn’t’ve uploaded the original page of ‘Al-Qaida Exposed’… videos.. um… basically… James Ujaama would’ve got off scot free. Probably, the snowball effect that then led to Abu Hamza extradition and case being built, which Ujaama in his plea-bargaining helped the FBI build, would never have happened… and the police in this country arrested Abu Hamza on an American extradition (“right?” iaudible) and then they tripped over… boxes of (VHS) videos similar to the ones that I uploaded. That I’d given them several years before.” – Glen Jenvey

Videos *similar* to the ones from several years before, If we can believe his claims about what he has and has not sent into the authorities. (Elsewhere, Jenvey has claimed prior knowledge of 9/11. What a pity the poor deluded fool didn’t think to make sandwiches or something when the police just didn’t listen.)

The action he describes above – releasing ‘evidence’ already rejected by authorities to the public a day before a trial – may be legal (just), but I can’t see it pleasing anyone doing the hard work of making a clean conviction stick.

No, all I can see is a yappy pup who continually spooks the game because he wants so much to be in on the hunt.

And we can only hope that his poking Muslim communities with a stick and inventing evidence when this tactic doesn’t produce any is a recent development.

There were some serious excesses during T.W.A.T. (The War Against Terror), so I’m willing to cut people some slack here and there, but everyone who trusted this guy to any extent at any time must be feeling pretty bloody stupid by now, especially if they put any faith in his claims to be a terror expert or professional spy.

Just for starters, professional spies do not pose as reporters. Well, they may do, but they generally try not to get caught doing it and don’t brag to reporters about doing it, even if they think it’s off the record.

Now, normally somebody like Jenvey wouldn’t be too much of a problem; the police and security personnel are well equipped to handle amateur sleuths, bigots and fantasists, but they are not going to have an easy time when interfering tosspots have access to diplomatic and parliamentary channels that work with those tosspots to promote in the media (a) themselves, and (b) evidence that the police have already rejected as unreliable/unusable.

I’ll need to stress this point, as it’s bound to come up; in those cases where Jenvey is on the trail of an actual extremist, this only makes things worse, *especially* when he goes public with what he knows ahead of any prosecution, making the task of police and security service that much harder:

It’s not rocket science; Jenvey’s much-heralded evidence is less to do with the quiet types who collect fertiliser and play with trains and mostly about extremists and/or shouty people (and/or their supporters) being careless and volunteering/recording/sharing evidence. Jenvey waving it about before anyone has a chance to prosecute risks alerting them to the danger of arrest and driving them and their circle deeper underground. There’ll be no shutting some of these people up, but it’s a sure bet that Jenvey’s clumsy blundering into one nest or another (or worse, poking it with a stick to extract ‘evidence’) does more to help extremists than the qualified professionals tasked with monitoring them.

Michael Starkey

Without Michael Starkey, Jenvey would not have enjoyed this level of access to Conservative MP and former Shadow Minister for Security Patrick Mercer, or former ambassador to Afghanistan Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles.

[snip-related UPDATE – While Starkey admits that Jenvey may have dropped his name when doing so, he contends that Jenvey introduced himself to Patrick Mercer well after they had met. He is also “unhappy” with the way Jenvey mentions his cousin in the audio, and does not regard that reference to be proper or correct. Please keep this contention in mind when reading the closing paragraphs.]

Without this access and the connections/credibility that came with association with these gentlemen, there is no way Jenvey would have been covered beyond the tabloids, if at all… and there’s certainly no way that Jenvey would have survived his (hopefully) recent period of fabrication, because the first thing that got wheeled out privately when questions were asked about Jenvey was a reassuring endorsement from Patrick Mercer, former Shadow Minister for Security.

And never mind the access and credibility, Jenvey doesn’t have the brains to keep a modest conspiracy together; his reliance on primitive and pointless bullying alone even at this stage makes that crystal clear.


Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles and Patrick Mercer


Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles and Patrick Mercer may wish to play dumb [snip], but this doesn’t put them in a position where they can later walk away clean and/or with any credibility.

No, the last chance for that is this morning, and their best bet is to take this last chance to Back. Away. From. Teh Jenvey.

Otherwise, they risk copping some if not all of the political fallout from this little game with matters of national security:

“If I don’t think the cops are taking me seriously… or not acting on information given over to them or MI5… we bypass them and I will use one of my number of diplomatic contacts… or it will go to Sherard. And if that fails, I then go to the press.” – Glen Jenvey

To summarise that once more; when the police do not regard certain evidence to be useful/usable for some reason, they will be bypassed and high-placed contacts within our diplomatic corps will be put to work to see if justice can’t be meted out by some other means. If those avenues fail, it will be time for trial by media.

This is not a valid, helpful, or constructive arrangement, and it’s time to bring it to an end.

Posted in Old Media, The Political Weblog Movement, The War on Stupid | Comments (4)

Midnight threat special

Everybody who comments on this weblog or emails me has the right to privacy, and I will go out of my way to respect that right… right up until the moment when anonymous/secret threats are made.

Make a threat from a dark corner and there is a very real danger that I will shine a spotlight in your direction.

On that note, this looks like the only statement we’re going to get out of Glen Jenvey:

from Tim Ireland
to glenjenvey
date Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 5:34 PM
subject A statement by 9am tomorrow, please

No more lies or threats or irrelevant claims about extremism, please. Just the statement will do fine.



to Tim Ireland
date Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:42 PM
subject Re: A statement by 9am tomorrow, please

Is your email a threat? to me. if so i might have to go to the police. grow up you child.tim your a waste of space who supports terrorist at as i said for the last time i’m going to sue the Guardian newspaper. and i’m very interested in why you are so interested in certain names? maybe you are the people you keep trying to say others are. i would suggest you stop writting to me as i have past each of your emails to the police already like i have the last one.

Original Message—–
From: Tim Ireland
Sent: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 11:18 pm
Subject: Re: A statement by 9am tomorrow, please

No, this is what a threat would look like:

“Glen Jenvey and his associates have until 9am tomorrow to issue a statement *OR* I name the mysterious ‘Mike’…”

But what I said was:

“Glen Jenvey and his associates have until 9am tomorrow to issue a statement *BEFORE* I name the mysterious ‘Mike’…”

I’m just trying to help you save yourselves, because I’m naming him at 9am.

You and Mike have 10 hours to put your side of the story forward first.

If you don’t want me to write to you, don’t ask questions and expect answers.

Send the police whatever you please within reason..

(I say ‘within reason’ because I’d hate for you to get in trouble for wasting police time.)



to Tim Ireland
date Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:35 PM
subject Re: A statement by 9am tomorrow, please

Who is mike? is that another name you say i posted under? you are in a dream world i do not know who you are talking about now.

from Tim Ireland
date Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:41 PM
subject Re: A statement by 9am tomorrow, please

You know who Mike is, because you tell me who Mike is in the audio that you helpfully authenticated.

His name gets published at 9am, with or without your statement.

Oh, and I wll remind you again that you really shouldn’t ask me questions and expect answers if you don’t want me to email you.



to Tim Ireland
date Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:52 PM
subject Re: A statement by 9am tomorrow, please

do you not understand no one is taking any notice of you creep.but yes watch out in the dark you never know who might be around the corner.

from Tim Ireland
date Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 12:02 AM
subject Re: A statement by 9am tomorrow, please

Now *that* is a threat.

No matter. You still have until 9am.



So I still won’t be naming names until 9am, but that chat with the police has gone from ‘maybe’ to ‘definitely’.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | Comments (3)

Glen Jenvey is T.O.A.S.T.

Glen Jenvey has confirmed that the audio featured in this post is genuine.

Obviously not intentionally, but I couldn’t have done it without him.

LOTS more below the fold. It’s really quite awesome, but today is not a good day to crowd the front page:

[ ———– fold ———–]

Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, The Political Weblog Movement, The War on Stupid | Comments (21)

Paula Murray, drunken hack, mocks dead and makes light of underage drinking

SPECIAL UPDATE – If you’re into Facebook (I’m not, myself) click here to join the group created in response to the shameful front-page attack on Dunblane survivors.

[For those who came in late: Paula Murray: certified depth and text-only archive of her article, which earned her front-page headline from her editor Derek Lambie in the Scottish Sunday Express on March 8, 2009]

How do you like my headline? Please keep in mind that it’s only a draft, and based in part on the following photo from Paula Murray’s Facebook profile:

Drink up, kids! Auntie Paula sez underage drinking is Teh Funny!

OK, readers, I can hear the cruel laughter and the shocking personal abuse from here and I want it to stop right now.

No, seriously, I want you to stop it right now before we proceed beyond the fold.

I can wait all day, people….

[ ———– fold ———–]

Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | Comments (10)

Morning, all!

As you may or may not have heard by now, yesterday’s editions of the Scottish Sunday Express carried no apology for the appalling front-page attack on Dunblane survivors last week.

So they’re not going to apologise for the article, but they’re not going to go on the record and defend it, either.

(The most editor Derek Lambie had to offer was an evidence-free denial of Elizabeth Smith’s claims and an attempt to end the matter there.)

Clearly there must be something about the article that the Express staff regard to be less-than-perfect, because they themselves removed it from their website.

I’m still waiting for my copy of the Scottish Sunday Express, as I need some region-specific advertiser data before my next big move.

But there may be a small feature about Paula Murray later today, regardless of what does or does not get delivered.

(Psst! On an unrelated but equally current affair; there will also be some very, very special items relating to Glen Jenvey, freelance spy/reporter released later today. I’ve found something quite magical in the audio.)

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