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The Star Wars Photoshopping Project


Click here to see the SWPP poster. The Star Wars Photoshopping Project Screensaver. Click here to see the SWPP t-shirts.

SWPP Page (17)

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Star Wars - Dude, Where's My Car?

"Dude, where's my spaceship?"
Sent in by Shaun Kelly.

Star Wars - Dune

"Dune, where's my spiceship?"
(It's late, and I'm tired. Sent in by Bratgoul.)

Star Wars - Switched

A quick switch from The Brad. Please hold your applause until you've seen...

Star Wars - Planet of the Apes

...this ape-tastic wonder, also from The Brad.

"Those maniacs! They blew it up!"

Star Wars - Rush

This is from Chuck Wolff, who's a frequenter of the Rush messageboard. Apparently, Rush is a rock band from Canada.
(See? This is fun and educational.)

Star Wars - Terrance and Phillip

Anyway, while we're on the subject of Canada...

Note - the collection has now grown to a point where I have to present it on multiple pages. Click to continue:

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